New Liquorworks Song

Ah, I'm always excited when you post new Liquorworks stuff, and it never disappoints! Great song, love the ambiance!

I tried to listen critically to the drums but seriously can't find anything to complain. I can't even tell whether they were programmed again or not this time, haha! Some beautiful snare rolls in there.

BTW, I still listen to the Nonsense album several times a week. It doesn't wear off at all... :)
The drums are programmed very well, but they would actually be a bit more realistic if you were more subtle with your ghost notes. They sound a little too papery.

I know you want critique on the percussion, but your guitar tones and ambience are clouding the top end of the drums and the cymbals, especially. They get kind of washed over, when I'm really wanting to hear some crack.

There isn't enough room mic on the drums, they sound a bit too 2d.
That was a great song! All riffs in it were absolutely crushing. Great sounding synths. Exactly the type of music I want to be able to do.

I got to agree with lolzgreg, add more room to it. The snare sounds like it was limited with L2 or something, no punch, only rattle. It's also quite dull.
I am not really a fan of that kick. I don't like that Obzen-ish kind of kick. I'd go for a Textures' Silhouettes kind of kick any day. It sounds so scooped and dead to me, I would try adding some room mics to it.
But the drums sounds quite good in the mix, might be because of the awesome sounding guitars though. ;)

What did you use for that crackling sound around 4:40?
nice crunchy guitar tone !!
cool song too!!!

maybe one of your best songs..
My Band - - Melodic Thrash Metal

Damn nice tune, man!
Are you gonna have a voice on this or is it gonna stay instrumental?
Cymbals sound better in the second mix, but the snare could come out front a bit more. Great work! :headbang:
In Avatar kick was problem. In TMF snare is even bigger problem but the kick is great.

I have waves rcomb in drum bus. If i take it off i got like +5db to +13db digital clipping on snare hit.
Snare sounds ok in mix but after mastering track with L2 it gets thin and buried.

Take this preset and fix my snare! Metal Foundry Liquorworks.s20

I would gladly help you but I dont own the Metal Foundry. But do some shit like using a saturator in the snare track, a boost in 150hz, use a Gclip in snare track and other in master bus or the limiter will always kill the strenght of the snare.