New Lita Ford CD


Oct 3, 2006
Daytona Beach,FL
Its been awhile since I have posted but I do read the forum to keep up with everything that is going on.

I was at my local CD store over the weekend browsing through the used metal section looking for any lost treasures when I stumbled upon a used version of the new Lita Ford CD Wicked Wonderland. Considering it was $6.00
and I was fan of her 80's and 90's stuff I thought let's give it a shot.

I was wondering if any one here on the forum has had a chance to listen to it or picked it up and what they thought of it.

I personally thought I would have had more fun and satisfaction giving the $6.00 to any of the local homeless begging on the side of the roadway after listening to to this CD. I wasn't expecting any revelation of rock music but after Lita Ford not having any new music in awhile, I did have high hopes for it and it turned out to simply be one of worst purchases I have ever made. I took it to work and gave it to a co-worker to listen to and they gave it back in a couple of hours with the same opinion.....:puke:

I was just curious if anyone had listened to this CD as of yet or what CD / DVD you purchased and thought it was the worst thing you had ever purchased.
The best argument for people being allowed to download albums before buying is that album. Artists that cash in on their names getting people to buy albums that sound nothing like what a customer would conceivably want to hear are no better than any average bait-and-switch scammer. An awful lot of Lita fans are being ripped off, and I can't think of any conceivable way that she could imagine that her fans would want to hear this.
I've heard that this CD sucks in the most possible way. With that said, I never will understand why bands/artists insist on giving their sounds dramatic changes. Band after band have done this with little to no success! It looks like they'd get a clue after awhile. The only 80s/veteran band that has successfully "updated" their sound, in my opinion, is Europe. Otherwise, I can't think of anyone else.

I've always thought Lita was a terrible guitar player and a weak songwriter. Honestly, I'm somewhat surprised that there's even demand for her music. Did I miss a great album some where there in the 80s?

I've always thought Lita was a terrible guitar player and a weak songwriter. Honestly, I'm somewhat surprised that there's even demand for her music. Did I miss a great album some where there in the 80s?


LOL...I think sex appeal helped Lita's career. With that said, the only great song she had, in my opinion, was the duo with Ozzy, Close My Eyes Forever. I admit to being a total Ozzy fanboy though. I can listen to that tune over and over, but otherwise, her music is boring to me as well.

Haven't heard the album yet but a mate who's been to every Sweden Rock festivals since conception said Lita's performance there was the worst of any band ever. Even Sweden Rock Magazine gave her gig 1 of 10 points...

I guess she's finished.
She played a few songs during the Queensryche set, kinda put a downer on the whole show.
Back in the 80s, she was a quite serviceable performer when others wrote songs for her. And when she had some of the best talent backing her. On the Dangerous Curves album, her backup singers were Jeff Scott Soto and Joe Lynn Turner.
Zod hit it right on the nose. Lita Ford had no talent, and 20 years later you really didn't expect a classic, did you? If you missed Lita in the 80's, you didn't miss much
Kind of what I thought. She was great at crawling around, crooning, "Kiss me deadly...". But beyond being a bit of a video vixen, she didn't seem to have much to offer musically.

I think what kept her name out their beyond the "Kiss Me Deadly" era was her romantic connections to Iommi and then later Chris Holmes (As sad as that one sounds).
It sounds like something they just did for their own enjoyment. It should never have been released.

I also noticed that it was hard to get sound samples before the release date, which is further evidence to me that the company and Ford were actively trying to rip their fans off.
I haven't heard the album yet but from everything I've heard about it I'm glad that I haven't.

I saw Lita a few times back in the 80's with different touring packages and she was always a decent live act, fun, energetic, party-rock. Plus she was hot! While I'll admit her biggest hit "Kiss Me Deadly" was aweful, she did have a few good songs like "Gotta Let Go," "Falling In and Out of Love," "Black Widdow," "Close My Eyes Forever" and a few others. Not the best artist, but certainly not the worst.