New LSD Service: Reamping Doggybag

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
New service:


I've got an extensive array of amps, speakers and mics and am doing a lot of reamping jobs.
Often I'm being asked by my customers what they can do to achieve a live sound that's similar to the sound on their album.
Well, now you can get the EXACT sound!
I call it reamping doggy bag, here's how it works:
I reamp your tracks through the highest quality chain to achieve the sickest possible tone for your record, I'll then profile the entire chain with the Kemper Amps KPA, tag and name the profile and send it to you along with your reamped guitar tracks.
you can then use your own KPA to reproduce the album sounds live or at home.
That is awesome. A personalized kemper profile by someone who really knows his metal tones ;) (and has the right equipment).

I do have a question though, is this strictly for album reamping jobs or you could do it for a single track?
could probably do it for a single track as well...wouldn't be much cheaper than for the album though (the profiling I mean..reamping a single song would be cheaper of course)