New Maiden video...

Very cool. Perfect example of good late period Maiden. Has the vibe of the best stuff off of BNW and DOD. A small taste of Accident of Birth too, if you ask me. Fucking great song! The record's gonna be great!
BAH! Ya beat me too it! Anyway, I think the song is ok...maybe it's because it is 4 am and i need some sleep. There are parts that i think sound really great, but I'm not sure about this one yet.
Finally! A strong production!!!!!

The sound is great.....imagine how much better DOD would have been with a cleaner, clearer sound such as this!

Very cool song, as well (if not a rather strange choice for a Maiden single....particularly the lead single).
The intro reminded me of The X Factor and not in a good way. It seems that every time Maiden does an acoustic intro, it's the exact the same, dull one. But other than that, no complaints! Sounds good and Maiden-y all the way.
I think the video sucks (my opinion, only), though the song itself is good. For those who find that the song isn't "clicking" with their tastes, listen to it again. I think you'll find it :kickass: .

Fortunately, the song is back up to par for Maiden, unlike "Dance of Death" where even the good songs were screwed by the production. Looking forward to hearing this new disc.
I think the reason I do not dig it as much as others is that I am a relatively young Maiden fan, so I have not followed their entire career. Many people like it because it is an imporvement from their less than stellar albums in the last decade. Myself however, I have read the bad reviews and steered clear of those albums. So, I have only ever really listened to the BEst Maiden has had to offer. That means I am comparing this song to the old greats, so it does not seem as great to me.
The sound is not to good but let's go anyway:

the first 2:00 are simply boring
around 4:51 and up to 6:09 the song has some reminescence of good Maiden

In general has not fueled much my expectations on the new album and this is the single! :(
The song was excellent and i am really looking forward to hearing the new album after this. I'm looking forward to hearing them play this song when they come to Finland in november, it will be great.
:cry: I cannot wait any longer... I want this album NOW!!!!!

I loved the track... the title of the song is a bit odd... but it sounded great to these ears
Jesse Pohjalainen said:
The song was excellent and i am really looking forward to hearing the new album after this. I'm looking forward to hearing them play this song when they come to Finland in november, it will be great.

Yeah I will be there too:kickass:
Hope they have good song list.
Well that can´t be broblem cos
Maiden got so many good songs.