New Metal Instrumental (w/ Breaking Bad Content, Jackson USA Select B7)


Jun 26, 2011
South Germany
Did this last year, but never posted it.

I noticed that the low end might be a bit boomy, especially the bass but overall the sound was ok to me at that time.

The Breaking Bad sample has no deeper meaning, it just fitted good into that part :)

Recorded with my Jackson USA Select B7 (w/ DiMarzio Activators)
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The bass sounds really nice and controlled but it's masking the kick. I'd carve out a bigger chunk of space using the bass bus EQ where the kick's fundamental thump is if you haven't already, and also bring the kick up maybe 1.5 db. That should balance things out. I really like that riff at the end- very classic Gothenburg. :)
The bass sounds really nice and controlled but it's masking the kick. I'd carve out a bigger chunk of space using the bass bus EQ where the kick's fundamental thump is if you haven't already, and also bring the kick up maybe 1.5 db. That should balance things out. I really like that riff at the end- very classic Gothenburg. :)

Thanks, I'll try that.