New Metal social network

Hi everyone,

I'm a Metalhead and a web designer & I've been working my ass off for a long time to create what I hope will be the next BIG metal website!

This is slightly different than myspace - it's based more around the entire community rather than creating individual web pages. It's extremely easy to navigate and find new bands!

Why is it easy to find new bands? A band can sign up and specify its genre, if you click on their genre you'll be sent to a list of all the bands on the website within this genre. You can do the same with labels and other profile fields.
Also if you list some of your favourite bands in your profile, then click on one of them in the list the next page will display all the other members who also list this band within their favourites. Check out these members' other favourite bands and you may find a few new bands to check out!

You can become friends with individuals and bands, you can blog about anything - write album reviews, band news or just rant - you can specify gig listings (bands) and find gig listings (individuals) with ease (it's all on one page so you just have to search). when signed in you can go into a chat room or pm your mates.

The Unique selling point - As well as being based around making mates with similar interests and finding new bands with ease you can also take advantage of the unique selling point of the website - you can sell your own items! (cds, merch etc)

Think how great this is for unsigned bands to get their demos and self released albums out there! Your item will be sold within a tab on your profile but also go into the main shop in the main navigation (called the "market" as it's a marketplace with all members items for sale)
This obviously also suits the signed bands with many releases and lots of merch.

Please check it out and sign up. The bigger the website gets with both individuals and bands the better it is for the community as you could go to the website to find the gigs you may want to go to, news from your favourite bands and find new bands to blast your eardrums!

Tom of Metal Music Online
On Friday (21/5/10) the website had been live for just a week. Over a hundred members and 22,000 page views and this from a stand still start.

I am working hard to promote MMO and predict continual growth at a faster rate from now on...

Thanks everyone who has registered and got involved, I really hope a few more would like to join also :)
After a few months Metal Music Online continues to grow, we currently have over 1000 members and counting!!

We have a string of regular reviewers so check out their reviews in the "User Articles" section.

Also you can now search through hundreds of thousands of Metal Videos in the "Media" > "Metal Videos" section.

Venues can also now sign up and list/promote their gigs to the community - within the Venues profile and gig listings you can now add the gig's venue zip/post code, click on this and view a Google Map of the venue for easy travel!