New metal song/metalcore,post-core :) RATE!


Nov 30, 2010
hey dudes :)

I am making a new song my own project using Amplitube 3 on guitar and so on....
Using Steven Slate and Addictive drums.
Well has mixed some now :) but not totally finished yet and the snare needs pretty much mixing in my opinion!
I will master up the volume soon too....
It's a half song not done yet but want your advices and thoughts about it :) no vocal added yet it will come soon :) i am using my home studio just a soundcard and some cables ;) (and cubase 5)

Attention!! If someone are interested in making screams comment cause i can make the singing parts but I'm not so good at screaming

Comment and say what you guys think :D

Link: - Metal test 23 feb 2011.mp3

Metal!! :headbang:
waahh really?? well the bass is there but it's a VERY old and bad bass :rofl: making Drop A in this and the bass can't make it so good :)
But how can you make that guitar?? :D help me! :)
It's not that hard, really. You can reach that kind of tone by combining and tweaking free VST plugins (many of which, in my opinion, achieve better results when it comes to recording metal rhythm guitars than most commercial amp modeling/distortion plugins). On that song I used TSS (a tubescreamer simulator), TSE808, TSE x30 Sovtek and Poulin LeCab with some impulses I can't remember right now, then some good old compression. Like I said, if you have a DI file of your guitar riffs without distortion applied to them it should be very easy to get that sound that fits -core songs so well.

On the bass, I don't know about it being old but what it's definitely lacking in volume and a strong bass is what makes a guitar tone really heavy. No, seriously.
The problem on the bass is probably that it's dropped to A. The bass doesn't resonate as much and lacks punch. You should probably try tuning up or just play everything an octave higher.
Ryuno: Is it you screaming on that song? :D
If you could do this i would be very thankful send a good preset for the "Tubescreamer" and TSE sovtek and very nice if you could get the impulse for me? ;D would be VERY thankful dude :) maybe we cna start a band through internet hahaha ;D metal!
And will make the bass higher but ahmed.alz says the right thing it doesn't get the good punch with the low drop ^^

I want somerone that can make high and low vocals pretty mighty ;D like emmure, suicide silence, upon a burning body and so on... ^^ and the lyrics will be written after the song is finished! :)
jdcapper: can you scream? :) if you can link some shit you've done ;)
No, that isn't me. That's a song I mixed from this forum, posted by NSGUITAR. You might want to check this section for songs to mix, it's a great way to learn. I have no idea how to make presets, sorry. You can get the impulses I used on that here though. Ozone, Eq and Gclip on the master. Yes, I only used two guitars panned 100L and 100R.

My growling here: The Bearclaw.mp3
Ryuno: Cool :D will try to make some new guitar tone and so on.. ;D nice growling but could need a little more mixing ;) but not so hard! are you recording through headset mix there? :)
Will update here when i has worked some more with the song :)

update: very hard to get the godo soudn with that things ;D gets a pretty hard dist and i need help with these vst's :rofl:
TSS: can you give me "Drive","Tone" and "level"? ^^
TSE808: can you give me "Drive,"Volume" and "Tone"? :)
TSE x30 Sovtek: can you just make a screen shot or something on it and give me? haha :D
Poulin LeCab: Can i use Kefir instead of poulin? ^^ and can you give screen shot there too if you have the patience for it ;)

Maybe its my speakers cause im not on monitors atm but these are set up moderately flat and the cymbals are painfully and obnoxiously loud. Again could be my ass tastic speakers but thought id let ya know