New metal titles in stock


Man Behind The Curtain
Dec 26, 2002
Animations - Reset Your Soul
Van Canto - Tribe Of Force (2 versions)
Mortemia - Misere Mortem
Stranger Aeons - EnNeagon
Fates Warning - Parallels (2CD/DVD remaster)
Excalion - High Time
Sanctuary - Refuge Denied/Into The Mirror Black (2CD)
I mentioned this elsewhere, but thanks, Ken, for the lickety-split response on my decent-sized CD order this past week (more than 3, but less than 15 this time :lol: ). I had them within 72 hours of placing the order. (!)
I had ordered CDs from several online distros and sources including CMDistro, The End and DeepDiscountCD, and you beat them all to the finish-line. :kickass:
I mentioned this elsewhere, but thanks, Ken, for the lickety-split response on my decent-sized CD order this past week (more than 3, but less than 15 this time :lol: ). I had them within 72 hours of placing the order. (!)
I had ordered CDs from several online distros and sources including CMDistro, The End and DeepDiscountCD, and you beat them all to the finish-line. :kickass:

nothing beats quick service. That is what gets my return business. As of late I have had a few places send me the wrong stuff. That is a big pain in the ass. That is why I love going to the store to get get it and it is the right stuff. I am going to have to order from LaserCD if they are this quick with stuff. I have heard all good things about them.
nothing beats quick service. That is what gets my return business. As of late I have had a few places send me the wrong stuff. That is a big pain in the ass. That is why I love going to the store to get get it and it is the right stuff. I am going to have to order from LaserCD if they are this quick with stuff. I have heard all good things about them.

I have found Laser's Edge (together w/ Sentinel Steel) to be the most reliable mail order source of the bunch. Quick service and accurate product descriptions all the way around. Highly recommended!! :rock:
Damn, not only the new Van Canto, but also new Panic Room and Karnataka. Not to mention some of the clearance stuff that I don't own yet. Ken, you are going to make me broke one of these days...