new mics, still debating....

So I've gotten some bands in lately and i have around $200 USD give or take to spend on some new mics. Right now I am using the MXL 990/991 kit for my overheads. And I can't decide to pick up another 991 (pencil condenser) to match the other one, or to go for a new mic (around $100) to eventually buy a match for it and not use the 991's. I'm looking at the Kel HM-1 which was reccomended on the GearSlutz forum, they look really nice for the price, but I'm just unsure if having a more unmatched pair then my 990/991's are will really mess up my drum mixes. I also have decided to buy a audix i5 for sure with the other money but I just cant decide on that OH mic, any suggestions? Thanks!

Those do look cool. I didn't see a HP on em though. I try to cut any hint of anything but a cymbal out of the OH track. The HP helps out with that. I want the Kick mic only representing my kick sound. Unless I'm wanting a "When the Levee Breaks" sound, I get the kick out of every other mic.
I'd have thought it's better to get a good sounding mic and filtering it in the box, than compromising on overall sound for a slightly different filter.
I'd have thought it's better to get a good sounding mic and filtering it in the box, than compromising on overall sound for a slightly different filter.

Yeah, I don't know if this is standard practice.:lol: I just can't stand a "flubby" kick sound ever. I close mic the toms, snare, and kick, and they sound bitchin already, so the overheads, I pan em hard, and get the cymbals.
i'm having a similar situation, looking for overheads with a $200 budget. best looking thing i found was the MXL 604s 100. anyone use these? any opinions? I hear they are as good as the Oktava 012s... not sure since I haven't heard any drum samples with the 604s as overheads.

stay away from the 993s or the 991s, they don't seem as good as the 604s since the 604s come with two capsules...
what don't you like about MXLs? I don't own one and have only heard a few samples, which I wasn't thrilled about but were decent for the price...

I figure their higher end stuff is better (MXL 2003 is pretty good for a vocal/instrument mic for 150 bux and based on that I hope the 604s are as good, but as I said no experience with em)
any real feedback is good weather it is positive or negative.
those akg's look pretty nice except they have a huge boost in the upper frequencies wich may be too brittle sounding, be interesting to try them.
I was definitely thinking this too but i still wanna find a pair to check out. I might have to bribe the guitar center employees
I will just throw in my 2 cents here (and feel free to tell me to fuck off) but after owning an MXL mic I hesitate to tell anyone else to buy one.

However I do own a cheapo one so like I said you can tell me to piss off :).

I think you're pretty off on that statement. for the price those mics are golden, it gets people a decent condensor mic at a low cost which is great for beginners. if you use it for what its for, entry level, they are great mics. I would definitly recommend any of the 900 series to any entry level engineer.
I think you're pretty off on that statement. for the price those mics are golden, it gets people a decent condensor mic at a low cost which is great for beginners. if you use it for what its for, entry level, they are great mics. I would definitly recommend any of the 900 series to any entry level engineer.

plus the 604s are some of the flattest condensors around until you get into much more expensive mics
i don't see how the HM1s are flatter. sure they don't have that boost, but a small boost is helpful when doing overheads and acoustic guitars. also the HM1s have a lot of areas of cut frequency especially in the mids. from the clips on the site they lacked some highs and sounded pretty dead. on the other hand the P-1s were amazing, but they were much more expensive. and the P-1s also had some boost in the upper range.

the 604s are supposed to mimic the Oktavas which is why I'm interested in them...

has anyone here used the 604s btw?
heres the frequency chart for the 604's

and the kels can be found here
yeah i have the 604 charts but thanks for the kel link!

but here, the small diaphragm kels have a high boost too

plus they're a lot more expensive at $800 a pair. The large diaphragms are cheaper but looking at them I don't know how they'd perform as an overhead mic, they're pretty colored overall.

edit:zmetallica beat me to it. sorry :lol: