New Ministry album - Back to there psalm age


May 23, 2003
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Just got the new ministry album, extremely good, there last album animositisomnia was good for the fact that they didnt change too much. There newest album Houses _Of The_Molé is great, its like listening to Psalm 69 or better.
HardSide said:
Just got the new ministry album, extremely good, their last album animositisomnia was good for the fact that they didnt change too much. Their newest album Houses _Of The_Molé is great, its like listening to Psalm 69 or better.
Dodens Grav said:


I just got the new ministry album and it's extremely good. Their last album, 'Animositisomnia', was good for the fact that they didn't change too much. Their most recent album, 'Houses of the Molé', is great too; it's as good as, if not better than, listening to Psalm 69.
Barth Vader said:
I'm just wondering if I can get over my political aversion to the topics on the new album.

The album is obviously dedicated to President Bush. The only sond that dosen't start with W is "No W", which is a follow up to "N.W.O.". "N.W.O." has samples of Bush Sr. on it, and "No W" has samples of Bush Jr. on it.
Yes...I have read about it and have read Al's vitriol against Dubya. It's kinda like the Michael Moore movie - why waste money? But then IS Ministry...and I will probably end up getting it.

This is just my opinion by the way, not trying to incite a political debate.