New mix (5150,realdrums,bit o slate)

i am about to do the final gating tomorrow, and editing just to tightend some of the chuggs haha but yeah the gating is going on
this great!!!!
Production sounds great, I realy like the muddy snare, fits the style very well.

But the singer should not sing IMO.
For that kind of music I much prefer speaking parts and gangshouts....
same. 2 vocalist. the raspy dude is the guy that can't sing or scream, the solid dude who sounds big is a good singer and screamer
What's with the volume drop right before the vocals come in?
Not big fan of the drums in general except the kick.
Guitars rule:kickass:
Nice work:)
man, i know you can do a lot better...
if you know something is missing, or should sound better - dont think about it, just start again from scratch trying to do something better, diffrent
the vocals sound good, but abit small. The snare absolutely dwarfs them. Maybe bring the snare down, or the vocals up. Just experimetnt and see what works best, I think bringing the snare down some will probably solve it.
Snare is waaaaaaaaaaaay to loud, and vocals are maybe a bit thin, but overall its pretty nice, that snare is just popping out way too much haha
