New mix for the band I've been working with. (Criticism pleaseee)

everything is overly compressed (for my ears).

- listened on ipod earbuds/a7's/laptop speakers/atc loudspeakers.
i was thinking of trying to see what something like this would do with bass

haha you could fix all the bad bass parts

I like melodyne. Basically the same thing lol. It's not that he can't play. He's damn good. His bass is just SO FUCKING OLD. It sounds like shit, it phases in and out, gets louder and quieter. I've spent the majority of the time working on this song, solely fixing the bass.

and for the compression, is it the mix that you're saying is over compressed or a certain instrument? The only instruments that have compression are guitar and bass. The bass is SLAMMED and the guitar is just running through a Vintage Warmer. I'm running the master chain through with an Linear Multiband and then some linear EQ, then a SSL comp peaking at about 8 and then an L2, should I just get rid of the SSL comp or change some settings?
man that sounds great. i love the guitar "jun's" and the vocals a lot. pod farm for guitars?