New Mix (Lecto, Recab)

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Hey guys I don't really post in this subforum because nobody ever responds but my ears are tired and I wanted to see if this mix is going in the right direction.

I'm using the new Recabinet 3 plugin and i'm trying to learn how to mix into my mastering so the guitars are a bit harsh in the 5k area. I would fix it but I don't want to tweak anything else on it today.

All criticism is welcome! Test.mp3
I like the tune dude, will it have vocals?
The guitars sound digital to a degree, as well as having those 4-5 khz frequencies.
Drums are good.
thanks dude, I wish I could do vocals on it but I don't have a space I can do vocals atm. If anyone wants to let me know. I'm gonna fix those guitars tonight and Ill post an update.