New mix (Marcus HD DI)


Jul 31, 2008
Montreal, QC
Here's a mix I did with Marcus' (Metaltastic) Holy Diver DI guitar files.

I then added midi bass and drums from a Guitar Pro tab which I modified a little bit to fit the way Marcus played it.

Guitars are TSS into 7170(L)/SoloC(R) into KeFir with Ryan's now famous spreshigh impulse into AcmeBarGig's Cab Enhancer 1.09 into ReaEQ then finally into a HPF/LPF.
There is some parallel compression with ReaPlugs going on the guitars too.

Bass is Trilogy into ReaEQ into Ampeg SVX into a HPF/LPF.

Drums are SD2, actually the Black Album preset (by Ronnie_Rocker) modified a little bit, then there's some parallel comp going on there too.

Finally for the mastering/limiting it's Vintage Warmer (for its nice character) into Elephant (weird I know, but hey it worked out well) and I'm getting about -10.5, -11 RMS IIRC.

Enjoy and please comment/critique.

First one : Diver Mix R3 (first one).wav
Second one : Diver Mix R7 (second one).wav
Sounds very good overall, but the snare sounds weak. Are you using velocity 100 in the midi file? 127 would sound better.
Yeah it's 100 if I recall probably, you're right! Didn't mess enough with the midi drums.

Thanks for the good comments, it's appreciated! Do you think the bass is overpowering?

Edit : Got a new one up with better drum programming (velocities and humanizing timing n' shit).
Here's it : Diver Mix R7 (second one).wav

Though I got a problem, the snare won't jump out of the mix as well as the other one even if it basically sounds better, any help?
Hey Phil, listening to the second one - the bass is definitely too loud IMO, and the notes aren't quite right (sounds like you programmed the second fret going to the 5th fret on the second string, where it should be the 3rd fret), and the guitars are a bit grainy sounding (and could use a bit more mids) - drums are cool, though the snare has a bit too much verb (and sounds like it has too much bottom mic in there, if you can adjust that, if not just tame a bit of the snap IMO), and that crash cymbal could come down a bit (as could the hi-hat when it comes in in the end). Also the kick could be a bit louder, but overall pretty cool dude!
Yeah that's what I wanted, constructive criticism. :D
The kick is a bitch to get right in superior though, and I can't get it to multioutput...

I'll try to fix that now, thanks.
No prob dude, and yeah, fuck SD2 kicks, bleehhhhh - replacement time with some of the samples from these here forumses! :D