New mix, need some advices to improve the mix, ok?

Hey :)
What kind of mix you would like to get? Do you have any reference mixes?
Make bass readable, do some work with drums (make them less dry), add some presence to vocal, also I think only one vocal track is not enough for some places...
Try to find better balance for all instruments...
Hey :)
What kind of mix you would like to get? Do you have any reference mixes?
Make bass readable, do some work with drums (make them less dry), add some presence to vocal, also I think only one vocal track is not enough for some places...
Try to find better balance for all instruments...

Hey Alex, thanks for the tips and for listening.
I tried to make what you told me, I hope it seems better now. I worked on the bass and vocal track, doubled it with a little of distortion on the new one.
My reference mix is In Flames' Sense of porpouse.
And for this one I uploaded the file to my soundcloud account.
So, if you need "in Flames" sound, try to analyze each element of your reference mix.
Put this track in your DAW, create a second one stereo out (with no your master bus compressor, eq etc) and send this mix on this bus, it give you a fast way for comparison.
About "In Flames" sound:
-kick and snare sounds more weightily, lower and bigger
-overheads has much more brilliance and breath
-I'm pretty sure bass was distorted
-guitars sounds more tight and open and they quad tracked (try to find mud frequency and cut it)
-leads and keyboards sounds no too much in the face but has more FX (also cut all low end from your keys, 300 hz will be good starting point)

Could you tell what you use for guitars, bass and drums?