New Mix - Rock/Metal -Quite Pleased With This Mix, What do you think ?

First problems I noticed, guitars are a lot of lows/low mids, too much movement in the low end. Try cutting out some of those. The snare ring is also really ugly. I use that snare every once in a while, snare 11A I think? I usually cut a lot of 600-1k to get rid of the ring. Or just use a different snare :3
First problems I noticed, guitars are a lot of lows/low mids, too much movement in the low end. Try cutting out some of those. The snare ring is also really ugly. I use that snare every once in a while, snare 11A I think? I usually cut a lot of 600-1k to get rid of the ring. Or just use a different snare :3

thanks man its actually snare 6 downtuned to emphisze the ring .. so when you say ugly snare is that just preference or does everyone think its too much , cuase i liked the ping in there so i kept it loud...

Diggin' the intro!!!!!

thanks dude !:kickass:
It's the ping man, it just doesn't sound very pleasing to me, and it's a bit distracting.
on crappy headphones: i agree about hihat. a little distraction being hard panned left.

about the snare, i disagree. i dont think its as bad as previous prosters thought. but beware: im a newb. still, to my untrained ear, sounds kinda cool. lead sounds kinda artificial, like what you'd expect from a 2002 multifx processor. no offense, obviously. i hoope this helps.
Actually, that's a super clean mix, as far as guitars and separation goes. Maybe a little low/mid out of there. And some more bass guitar, I love that tone, what is that? I would say the only thing that distracts me, is the snare. Has a nice snap to it, but it's followed by "pong", "pong", "pong". I don't think you need that at all. And bring the hi-hat in to the center more.
I think it's a pretty decent mix. I like the snare ring, but I think it could be tamed a little bit because it is very prevalent. My only other complaint would be that the kick seems a little too loud. Maybe it's just that the sample doesn't sit well with the mix, but it just seems too in front of everything else either way.
Actually, that's a super clean mix, as far as guitars and separation goes. Maybe a little low/mid out of there. And some more bass guitar, I love that tone, what is that? I would say the only thing that distracts me, is the snare. Has a nice snap to it, but it's followed by "pong", "pong", "pong". I don't think you need that at all. And bring the hi-hat in to the center more.

thanks man .. i will definately center the hi-hat a little more , and the guitar is an ibanez quad tracked, and i used the Tse X30.

I think it's a pretty decent mix. I like the snare ring, but I think it could be tamed a little bit because it is very prevalent. My only other complaint would be that the kick seems a little too loud. Maybe it's just that the sample doesn't sit well with the mix, but it just seems too in front of everything else either way.

thanks tylerrr.. i agree that the snare ping can definately be tammed a little bit. ... and as for the kick ,i will check that out ..
Snare - sound good, but when it goes on that skank groove... sux - it make snare sound one-sample-like. Volume - drop down a tiny bit.
Hi-hat - its just extremely panned.