New Mix


Jan 17, 2009
Hey guys I am pretty new to this forum would love to know what you think of my new mix of my band. There is no sound replacement and all of this sucker was mixed in Sonar.

the song is called Taken (The other song I mixed for a punk band called averice)
i seriously thought before i typed that, "what if he's the one doing vocals?" lol

just to clarify, it wasn't the screaming vocals that turned me off, it was the singing. i noticed the singing parts are a bit out of tune and are too whiny/emo for my liking. all of the instrumentation and the mix sounds good though. very professional.
HAHA, I wasn't taken it too heart, each too their own. Just wanted to know about the mix, I don't use autotune and didn't notice them out of tune, but I am probably tone deaf anyway.