New Mix

The mix was one of the better aspects of this. Maybe a tad too static and dry to my taste, but I think the song is the weakest link. Too predictable, generic and uninspiring, boring and uncatchy chorus, plus I didn't like the clean vox in general. Bad performance, too loud, too dry, the articulation are unintelligible (both growls and cleans) and the gangchorus before the breakdown was just pure gay.

Nothing personal, but thats how I felt about this. You need to make the chorus huge and more catchy. If you would add a hint of extra elements (percussions, synths, extra guitars...) and in general ride the faders more, it would become a lot more intresting.
Thanks a lot for the feedback dude:)
Glad you could give me an honest opinion:)
Fortunately this isn't my band, hahaha
One thing I can do is ride the faders more though
I don't have any automation going on in this mix,
mostly because I don't really know when certain things are supposed to be louder/quieter and all that jazz
If you could enlighten me that would be great:)
- turn the intro guitar down a bit and bring it back to the level it is now with the full band
- in the first verse turn down (or remove) the "melodic guitar", because it is not played that well
- get rid of the digital silence 1:22-1:23, rather do it like you did it at 2:17-2:18
- give the "first hits" on the guitars a bit of a volumeboost and then return the volume bit by bit back down
- Put reverb and delay to the clean vocs
- Either remove the "gang" or only play one of the voices in the 2:30 sequence
- The solo :zombie: it's not that well played and so tacky... But I would still make it louder, it gets a bit buried
- There is this one huge noob-error in the arrangement: The solo is playing with TWO different vocal tracks. General rule of thumb is to only have one lead element at a time, otherwise it just gets confusing when you have three melodic lead elements (two vocals and one guitar) at the same time playing totally different things. Choose between guitar or vocals. Personally I would end the solo at 2:06 where the vocals come back, or latest when the clean vocalchorus kicks in.

And for the huge chorus.. I tried out this and it worked nicely if used with taste: I turned off my monitors and sent the whole track into my headphones, then I recorded the sound with Röde NT5 and got this "lofi" ambience. Then I sent it to a de-esser, hall reverb, delay, compressor and an eq. Use in parallel with the original track. I suggest you take the snare (and kick) off the mix for your version, they kinda poked thru nastily :)
wow ahjteam!
Thanks sooooo much!
I'll definitely tweak the things you said tonight:)
Thanks a lot dude!

Mart: I used Steve Slate Drums 3.0
Definitely one of the best purchases I've made

i purchased them too and they kick ass!!!:kickass:
would you mind sharing your preset or which samples you used on this? much post-processing?
can you share drum process please?wich slate samples and post processing please?thank you very much
For the drums on this track I loaded up the Cracky Metal Kit
Switched the snare to 11A
switched the toms to all Maple toms (except the lowest tom)
and switched the kick to 10

I didn't do too much post processing on these
just highpassed the Overheads at 500hz
2db boost at 4khz and 1db boost at 15khz
W1 limiter with a -3db threshold and the lowest possible release

hats have a compressor with a 4:1 ratio and 15ms attack 227 release, about 4db GR
followed by an eq with a 6db boost at about 3khz

These are both then sent to a reverb buss

For the toms I've got a comp with an 8:1 ratio, 10ms attack, 100ms release, 4-6db GR
Followed by an eq with a 2db boost at 80hz, a 6db cut at 500hz, and a 6db boost at 6hz

Snare is running Metric Halo ChannelStrip on the Warm setting
4:1 ratio, 20ms attack, 50ms release, -6.9 threshold
then running event horizon in clip mode with a threshold of about 3db
after I just threw on the W1 limiter and set the ceiling to -.3 and left the threshold at 0 as suggested by Slate himself

these are then sent to their own reverb buss

The kick has a comp with a 4:1 ratio, 5ms attack, 100ms release, about 4db GR
Eq is a highpass at 50hz
10db dip at 150hz
6db cut at 600hz
3db high shelf at 3khz

that's about it:)
thanks for the info,really..please,you can share screenshots of the reverb bus of tom,cymbal and snare?or the settings and the settings and plug in of the master??please,it will be really helpfull and appreciate because i like very much your work..thank you
do you use three verb bus?one for the snare one for the toms and one for the cymbals?all the three reverb have the same settings?

P.S.if you recorded guitars with the pod can you upload the patch and post processing in you DAW please?

thank you very much..
One bus for snare and toms
one bus for overheads and hi hat

guitar settings were:
Basically I'm running the diamond plate model and the treadplate 4x12 cab with the condenser mic

Throw on a tube screamer with

Use the built in eq and take out 4db at 4khz

use an external eq with a highpass at 60hz
a 3db cut at 800hz with a bandwidth of .5
a 6db cut at 4khz with a bandwidth of .5
a lowpass at 12khz

that should do it
Multiband compressor to tame the lows only if needed
Working now , drums are killer bro , the guitar tone is working great in the mix . Are you runnig two g clips and a limiter on the master bus as slate recommend ?
Thanks dude:)
read that in my other post?
I run an eq with a 2.5db boost and a 1.3 bandwidth at 15khz to add a little "sparkle"
and then run two event horizons (I have a mac)
The first clipper chopping off the peaks
and the second one at -3db give or take a db depending on the mix
and then the voxengo elephant limiter on the master's punch +3db
Hey sean..please,do yuo apply some eq to the snare?metrichalo channel streap only for compression,right?