New MIXES! check em out! (API pres)

I understand your protecting your music by only giving myspace links, but perhaps a full quality sampler might help us to disect the mix a little better :p

Music sounds great tho man!
The songs awesome man. I've been watching you guys grow for years being a member of the ESP board, and these are head and shoulders above anything I've heard in the past. Well done.
thanks nitro for the kind words. if anyone could give me a walk through on how to post a high quality sample i will do that right away,
I dig the music!! Really a mixture of the genres that I am into. It's a unique sound and that will hopefully help you go pretty far!
Just put them on a soundclick account, or any other site with a respectable flash player. Other than that, sounds good man, love the stuff too. I kind of like this muddy guitar sound but eh, that's about personal taste!
The music is pretty cool. I like it a lot. The mixes completely lack high end and presence, though. This is especially in the case of previously listening to Andy's latest Nevermore mix, which is even considered a bit "dark."
thanks for the comments guys, were about to announce a US tour so if we come to your town come grab a pint:D
COME TO DALLAS... Sounds good i really like the Bass... What DI/Preamp did you use for bass?? & what mics were on the guitar??
bass was....

Fender american p bass > fulltone fulldrive II > 1981 music man head > 8x10 cranked up SUPER loud.