new mixes!

? i downloaded it and it was good.

what reverb is that one the vocals for all i can bleed? it's really nice sounding. Actually i love the verb on everything, it makes it sound really clean and like its in a nice big space - but still up front
KeithRT99 said:
? i downloaded it and it was good.

what reverb is that one the vocals for all i can bleed? it's really nice sounding. Actually i love the verb on everything, it makes it sound really clean and like its in a nice big space - but still up front

i got error when i tried the link. well... i´ll post it again then
Dude this is awesome! It's different and kind of 'raw,' but very cool, nonetheless! Great for a demo, and I'm loving that track weak - not your typical crappy ballad.

Any gear details, kind sir?
DSS3 said:
Dude this is awesome! It's different and kind of 'raw,' but very cool, nonetheless! Great for a demo, and I'm loving that track weak - not your typical crappy ballad.

Any gear details, kind sir?

well, i have only mixed and mastered the demo. but i know that they used a Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier and 5150 for guitars. Caparison guitars.
Tama Starclassic kit. i only sampled the kick and SD, the rest sounded great. allot of eq and compression thou :)

the site is online later today!
This band could be good if they had a producer who'd fuck with their songwriting a bit. Sometimes some riffs and song-structures are kind of unneccessary

"All I Can Bleed" could be a bona fide hit. Chorus made the hair stand up in the back of my neck. Very nice.

Mix and sound are cool. Although personally I think the guitars could use more gain and thickness and the drums are a bit too far in the background on First Touch Of Perfection. But this is just a matter of preference.

Other than DSS3 I think "Weak" is the weakest track. Kinda pointless and no hook.