New myspace music player?

it fucked mine up too

i had my nice soundclick player running and now its BACK looking stupid on the top of my page and i cant get rid of it

i got a code that will let me move it off the page so you cant see it , but that same code also moves the soundclick player and i cant get it to move on and keep the other
i dunno

did they improve the quality?
anyone know what did they change exactly ?

I had the old player positioned nicely on my bands website, and now it's literally gone, maybe it's under the custom DIV layers.. FUCK!
a couple of smart people opt to integrate other players instead of myspaces...i've seen soundclicks on there
I hate the new player too, but they should fix the fuck-ups soon, at least according to Tom: >>

"Sep 25, 6:00am PDT
Early this morning we rolled out a new music player for artist profiles and users. There are some bugs I want all the artists to know we are working on them--namely, inaccurate song play counts, song upload errors for new users, and bands can no longer order their songs. We are comitted to fixing these bugs soon. We know your plays were hard-earned and you'll get them back. :) Thanks for your patience while we work out these new features. Please know that we have a lot more features coming that will help you promote your band and will help MySpace users enjoy your music. Thanks so much !"
my player said i had 683 plays - just today! :lol: i'm famous!!!

mine says like 1700 i get usually around 200 a day its b.s. and still sounds like crap, i use my personal page with the sound-click player more then my music page ..

one good thing about the shitty myspace player if i get my mixes to sound ok on there they will sound good on the radio in real life imo....
Maybe there are improvements in the sound quality if you re-upload the tracks?

I think right now the best player is that in facebook's artists pages.
I don't know if there's any re-encoding going on but I uploaded tracks at 192Kbps and the sound quality seems pretty good to me.
I think it sucks that bands lost there play count's that have been accumulated over the last few years. If you guys haven't heard of Reverb Nation you should go check it out. the players and promotional tools are amazing. Not to mention street team building and tracking is awesome.
im checking reverb nation out right now

i think im just done with myspace and i want to move on

Is there anything else anyone know's out there that tracks the progression of your work ....something similar to myspace and facebook but more towards music and you can customize it?
UPDATE: The new player fucked the hell off again on my page, hooray!! If someone else could access it and confirm this (link in sig), I'd appreciate it greatly; don't wanna celebrate too soon!