New Nightwish album title revealed: Endless Forms Most Beautiful!

Hey everyone. :wave:

I know it's been "all quiet on the Western front" around here, but hopefully this good news will kickstart some life back into this place. ;)

As of yesterday, Tuomas has made a post that could only be considered our first real bit of news regarding the next Nightwish album.

Thanks to our friends at Tuomas Holopainen México, here is the scoop directly from Tuomas himself.

"Greetings from Hattula, Finland. Tero ("Tee Cee" Kinnunen) and I have been here for the past two weeks and media recording a demo of new songs from Nightwish.

Everything worked out beautifully and we now have a total of 12 songs in which they work. We are all very eager to finally get together and start trials in July. If all goes according to schedule, we must have ready album in our hands at the end of January 2015.

It is still too early to analyze the material more closely, but album will once again explore all sides of the spectrum, bringing our newly arrivals Floor and Troy best. And quietly, the album ended up following certain subject along the same.

Indescribably excited right now!
The best of you for all of you,

Sounds like good news to me!!! :kickass:
It's official: Nightwish summer camp has begun! Thanks to Enigma for providing the following information. :)

Here is a photo of the guys jamming away; according to an interview that Marco recently gave to Soundi magazine in Finland, they are "way ahead of schedule"; already working on 3 songs. Floor recently joined the guys over the weekend, and Troy will be along shortly. Things are moving right along!!!

What wonderful news after not being here for a while!

Maybe they will release some studio sound clips to wet our appetite!

Bah!! I want samples!!!

I wonder if they don't, is because other bands might copy their riffs?

Or they just like to keep it a surprise I guess. Sigh....

I'm like a kid waiting for Xmas again.
I know it's been quiet around here lately, but here's some good news: the new album will be here in the U.S. on March 31st, and it is called...


The band's official site offers the following statement regarding the theme of the new album. No tracklisting available just yet, however.

Nightwish wishes you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!
And to make this special time of year even more magical we have some amazing news to share with you!

On March 27th (EU), 30th (UK) and 31st (US), the long expected new studio album will be released!!! And the title is:

»Endless Forms Most Beautiful«

We hope you have a wonderful, heartwarming and loving Yuletide and that these last days of 2014 are lived in peace and happiness. We can't wait to share this new album with you 2015! As the Fins say: Onnelista Uutta Vuotta!!!

Before we end this message and close our computer for a little while we'd like to share some more information about 'Endless Forms Most Beautiful':

"There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.”

- Charles Darwin, »The Origin Of Species«

“This classic quote is where it all began. We set sail for the ultimate journey in March 2015, join us!”, adds Tuomas Holopainen secretly.

Last but not least, here is the album cover!

There is a song of 24 minutes on the album?! well... i expect it to be epic (like ghost love score) but 24 minutes is somewhat way to long for one single peace of music!
This thread will now be designated as the *SPOILER-FREE* thread for Endless Forms Most Beautiful. This will be the thread where discussions about the album can take place, but please do not post spoilers for those of you who have heard the album in advance, out of respect to those still waiting for their copies and wishing to wait for theirs to arrive before listening to the album. There is now a "spoiler" thread where all those discussion can take place, so please refer to said topic when you want to discuss the album in great length or post spoilers about the songs. Thanks!