New Onlaught demo sample online NOW


Mar 17, 2008
Sheffield, United Kingdom.
You KNOW ths warrants it's own topic

UK Thrashers Onslaught announce that Danish Producer ’Jacob Hansen’ will be handling the production and mixing duties on the upcoming studio album due for release later this year.. The album will be recorded and mixed at ’Hansen Studio’ in Ribe, Denmark starting on August 16th..

Nige Rockett comments…
"We’re so stoked to be working with Jacob Hansen on the new album, Jacob has done some stunning work in the past, his production skills are really gonna suit the style of the new album, his mixes are so heavy and lively which is exactly what we are looking for.. It’ll be real cool to capture the live energy of the band in these recordings..
Steve and Sy are leaving for the studio immediately after our appearance at Bloodstock Festival, where we should be, if all goes to plan,debuting a track entitled ‘Born For War’ taken from the new album….it’s a violent beast, very fast and heavy with lots of twists and turns."

Jacob Hansen (Producer) about the recordings:
"This is one of the more exciting productions this year for me! Since their very first albums (Power From Hell + The Force), which made quite an impression on me back in my teenage years, I've loved this dark and heavy band. Working with these guys is gonna be awesome!"

Check the new demo sample available at: - seriously, do it. Or I'll fuck your shit up.
I always thought of onslaught as a bizarre Rage-esque combo of early Power Metal and Thrash