New or old Avatar??

Fuck off you dirty dildo, before I was wondering if I should change it, now I didnt and want opinions, so go eat a whales blow hole, cockhead im not a spammer people have died for saying less than that.
:cry: that was uncalled for. Just b/c your uncomfortable with yourself dont be spiteful towards me you cunt, but thats ok your not hurting my feelings, what people on UM have to say about me is of no concern, so go ahead call me whatever.

Nick(Bring it on motherfucker)
Cut the called me dirty dildo, cockhead and cunt...I'm quite comfortable with myself, but looks like you are not...*pats Nick on the head* there, wipe those tears and go smell the flowers :)
@nicktheclayman: here's another for the old avatar. and although i know ppl might have died for saying less than that, i thought that telling you something like "here's another for the" or "here's for avatar" might have been slightly less revealing. ;)

@Thanatos, the only reason any of this started is b/c you called me a fucking spammer, and I am not, that is why your a dirty dildo.

@all, yeah im still not sure which one to keep, ill decide soon.
old one, and I'm with phyre here, not squared avatars are, ehmmm well....not really....squared :rolleyes:

fathervic (also disliking cd covers avatars, but thanatos' ;) )
Originally posted by FatherVic
fathervic (also disliking cd covers avatars, but thanatos' ;) )

say, have you returned with something personal against me? ;)
in this case, you're much welcome: it was about time all this wave of chupi feelings ended. :D
