New Order - True Faith Metal Cover (Slate drums, soloc, 8505, revalverIII)


Jan 8, 2008
Kent, UK

Or if youtube does it for you...


Soloc as TS, into 8505 quaded and then awesometime!

Bass was put through revalver

Drums were a tweaked Black Kit! (I just got SSD3.0!!! w00t for me!!)

Let me know what you think ive been told by one person the drums are abit low, but my ears are a bit fucked after doing this.

Thanks to all!

I like the guitar tone dude. Nice sense of space in the mix. The kick is a little low/could be more punchy. No complaints on the snare. The vocals are a little harsh in the high frequencies. The performance is great overall though.
I forgot to comment on this! I think this is an amazing performance. Great vocal performance...but see if you can tame the ss's and highs just a bit more but I'm impressed sounds really good, good seperation of the instruments and still has an awesome vibe to it. Give the low end a little more umph but mainly the kick....pretty much what greg said lol
Definately see what you mean now by the sibilance of the high chorus vocals. (Thats what you meant I assume) And the kick too.

Thanks a lot! :)
I feel the drums could take up a bit more space.

I really like the song. Hats down. :)

Edit: After numerous more listens, I think you should pump up the bass a bit too.
I agree with the others. A bit more bass and bring the drums up.

Awesome performance and an excellent cover! I really like the vocals and I'd love to get a copy of the final version.
Thanks again!

The kick has gone up as well as the drums in general, the vocals have been tamed in the highs a little and the bass has gone up too.

Let me know if you think its an improvement!

(My own thoughts are that, the vocals are a little less understandable but are definately more comfortable to listen to)

@ crosstalk

I'll sort you out a copy when its as good as i can get it :)
I used a deesser. I'm not sure that would help to be honest, they're already compressed to hell as it is. But I'll give it a go anyway. :)