new person (hopefully)


AKA Addicted To Death
Nov 16, 2001
Chicago, Illinois
Hey guys, i'm new to Dark Tranquillity and have yet to hear a song from them, but i posted this same message a few months ago on the Opeth forum and now i'm hooked on them, what album from Dark Tranquillity do you guys recommend for a first time listener?? Oh and what do they sound like?? Thanks guys!
Dark Tranquillity latest album, Haven, is very different from former ones such as The Gallery and The Mind's I.
I think that Haven is their best album, but I see that many people find it difficult to appreciate it.
I'd suggest you to listen to The Gallery.

They sound unique. A perfect union between rageous and melodic, like no other band I've heard so far has ever achieved.
Well, I don't know if this is exactly what you asked, but here we go again (yes, this is the same old text some of you have read):

A short Dark Tranquillity -history (by Villain)

Dark Tranquillity, formed in late eighties, originally had the following members: guitarists Niklas Sundin and Mikael Stanne, vocalist Anders Friden, bassist Martin Henriksson and drummer Anders Jivarp. Their songs were mainly composed by Sundin and Henriksson together, with some help from Jivarp, whereas the majority of lyrics were written by Sundin and the rest by Stanne (who also performed backing and "clean" vocals).

After a couple of succesful, yet unnoticed demos ("Trail of Life Decayed" and "A Moonclad Reflection"), DT released their first full-lenght album "Skydancer" (Spinefarm Records) in 1993. It was an epic masterpiece, full of strong, well-constructed songs with amazing melodic depth. Their use of several tempo-changes, a mix of "metallish" and acoustic parts and various, long, rarely repeated riffs gave them the reputation as "creators" of the so-called "gothenburg-sound", alongside with At The Gates. The lyrics on the album were very long, somewhat shamanistic proclamations or incantations. Also, the use (though only in a couple of songs) of a female vocalist (Anna-Kajsa Avehåll) as well as Stanne's clean voice in addition to Friden's screaming was something new in death-metal. Although a bit underproduced, Skydancer is still among those few truly original masterpieces, which will stand through time.

Skydancer gave the band wide popularity in metal-underground, but otherwise it went quite unnoticed. The band encountered some problems at that time, when Friden left the band (to later join In Flames). Stanne took now all the singing-responsibilities and a new guitarist (Fredrik Johansson) joined them. In that form, the band fine-tuned and improved its sound to the next level. In early 1995 they released a Mini-CD (again by Spinefarm) entitled "Of Chaos and Eternal Night". The clean singing was gone and the guitars were more prevalent, but the same basic melodic strength was still there.

Later in the same year, the band released its long-anticipated second full-lenght, "The Gallery" (Osmose) - and it was worth the waiting. Hailed by many as the best melodic death-metal album ever, it combined the fast, entwined guitars with precise drumming and sudden "soft" parts. The music was written by the bassist and both guitarists with some additional help from the drummer. The lyrics were now somewhat shorter than before, yet still very unique in their metaphoral approach; Stanne had by this time taken the major part of lyrics-writing to himself, with Sundin contributing only a little. The occasional female vocals were there again, this time by Eva-Marie Larsson, but Stanne used only his low voice for screaming and speach - there was practically no clean male vocals on the album.

The Gallery was a breakthrough and the band toured a lot and started writing new material quite soon. By late 1996, they had recorded their next album and released a Mini-CD containing songs from those sessions. "Enter Suicidal Angels" introduced the band's new sound, which was more straighforward and aggressive.

In 1997 the band finally released the full album "The Mind's I" (still on Osmose), which divided their fans in two - many liked their new, rawer approach, with short, fast songs; yet there were some, who disliked their near abandonment of the "Tranquillity"-part. The trio of Sundin/Johansson/Henriksson was responsible of the song-writing and Sundin and Stanne wrote the lyrics, which by this time had become quite philosophic. Only one song had female vocals, sung by Sara Svensson.

Although the response for the album wasn't so firm, the following tour was a success. Afterwards, the band withdrew from the public and decided to take a step away from the path they had been traveling so far. It took over two years, before their next album, "Projector", saw the light of day - by that time Johansson had already departed with the band, although he still appeared on the record.

Projector (Century Media, 1999) was a bold step into new areas in metal-music. It featured once again clean male vocals and the addition of some synths brought a refreshingly new sound to a couple of songs. However, the album still featured the trademark DT-guitaring and Stanne still growled a lot - thus, overall the album was not "lighter" than the previous ones. Henriksson did now the most of composing, with lots of help from Jivarp and Sundin. Johansson had participated only in a couple of songs and Stanne made one short song all by himself. The lyrics, now written by Stanne alone, were darker in mood, concentrating into the "self". One song had female vocals (by Johanna Anderson).

The departure of Johansson forced some line-up changes in the band. Henriksson took the guitar and left the bass for Michael Nicklasson, who had for long been a friend of the band-members. Also, a new man responsible for the electronics was found in Martin Brändström. The band once again embarked for a tour, this time with In Flames, Children of Bodom and Arch Enemy.

The band's latest album, Haven (Century Media, 2000) was once again a move to a new frontier. It relied heavily on the electronics in sound, and the songs were once again faster and shorter. Sundin had by this time stopped contributing to the songwriting, and most of it was done by Jivarp and Henriksson, with some help from the new guys. Stanne wrote once again all the lyrics and there weren't any clean singing, except in one song.

Some people resented the change towards "techno" and happier, catchy melodies, but the band's incredible ability to retain some old "melodic-death-metal" elements (original guitar-riffs, growled vocals and intense drumming) and combine them with new, fresh synthetic sounds was hailed by many. Another succesful tour followed and at the moment the band is rumored to be writing new material for the forthcoming album, which might see the day of light this year.

I like all their albums, Enter Suicidal Angels the least and The Gallery the most. Of songs, I would recommend "A Bolt of Blazing Gold" from Skydancer, "Punish My Heaven" from The Gallery, "Hedon" from The Mind's I, "Nether Novas" from Projector and "The Wonders at Your Feet" from Haven.

-Villain ("the walking DT-encyclopedia")
Yep! And tell to your friends that in the board of Dark Tranquillity they've an exclusive and amazing thread for newbies, and they can post their introductions and questions there.

again someone has eluded my newbie thread? Was there ever any hope for it? Yes Villain is the man and thus he shall bring peace to Earth (and DT fans alike). Do you have that saved on notepad or something? hehe. Usefull for times likes like this :D

Welcome Jester Man. Are you really a jester or are you just trying to trick us?

Yeah, Villain would be the man for the job on a FAQ for the board... :D it would include classics as, "what is the meaning of Lethe" and "hallo, I´m new, which album should I buy". Would make it easier to have those lovely discussions about, you know, usefull things like, cricket ..and Hmm.. Örrmm..? Yeah, the stuff we are discussing most of the time... :D Without getting disturbed by these questions... :D

Are you the man for the job Mr walking book of everything that is Dark and Tranquill?

-phyros, not the time nor the time or time to surf the web... Doin´it anyway. Why?
Originally posted by Phyros

Are you the man for the job Mr walking book of everything that is Dark and Tranquill?

Well, now that you asked - why not! It could be fun after all. And seeing that Niklas seems to be pretty lazy at doing it (and he certainly haven't got anything more important to do...), perhaps I should really do it. Opinions, anyone?

Of course, I have no idea of webdesign, but I guess that would be Niklas' part anyway.

-Villain (serious)
Ahhh.... my lord Final Vision, you have called on me and i have returned....I am the Jester of Death and i have come looking for another band to add to my madness. I haven't heard anything from Dark Tranquillity but will get to that soon hopefully, any words about them?
Originally posted by atlantis
Down on my knees, wet the eyes, I swear: in Villain I trust!

Villain to rule the world, oh yeah!

I will vote him.

Uh, this wasn't QUITE the support I wanted, but... hey this was the first time a beautiful woman said that to me! :)

Originally posted by Villain

Uh, this wasn't QUITE the support I wanted, but... hey this was the first time a beautiful woman said that to me! :)


(Red) OH! Nobody has ever called me like that....WOMAN!

Thanks (crying a large amount of tears)

a. as a lover (in Tiamat and Villain we entrust our love advocated:D)
I guess it's time we open a thread for Dr.Villain, so he gives the remedie to every lost soul that wants to enroll in the DT knowlege deeply :p
@Final_Vision... Me to... :cry:

@Villain... Yeah, I think you should do this, and if there are anything you´d like me to do, I am happy to help in any way...

-phyros (deadly seriuos)

Edit: What happened to the polls anyway? The result should be gathered and entered in the FAQ...:)
fortify the armies of the In Flames fans who are intelligent and also listen to other good music! Dont bend to the corporate ways of that melon man! ;)