haha iv come up with a great idea (dont know if bloodbath guys will go along with it though :-D)
Ok, heres the idea. i think the 10 most insane Bloodbath fans should get a paid trip to go to wacken open air festival, PAID for by the members. and they get to be on stage and bang their F***ING heads when bloodbath performs.
Ok im gonna start the petition off. GET EVERYONE TO SIGN IT

1. Mass_Strangulation
Ok, heres the idea. i think the 10 most insane Bloodbath fans should get a paid trip to go to wacken open air festival, PAID for by the members. and they get to be on stage and bang their F***ING heads when bloodbath performs.
Ok im gonna start the petition off. GET EVERYONE TO SIGN IT

1. Mass_Strangulation