New Phenomena w/Glenn Hughes, Tony Martin

Dec 3, 2004
Arizona, USA
First I heard, but there's a new Phenomena album coming out with Glenn Hughes, Tony Martin and Keith Murrell (Mama's Boys) sharing vocal duties. I listened to some song samples and it sounds promising, but it's hard to tell from one minute snippets. From what I heard, it's not as good as the first Phenomena, but I doubt they'll ever top that one.

Song samples here (extreme metallers need not apply):

Wyvern? Whatchoo think?

Soundmaster? You're a Glenn Hughes fanatic.

NP: Symphorce - Godspeed
I've never heard of this band. But anything with Hughes is worth checking out (he's lent a hand to numerous projects over the years).

The samples are very promising, I will seek this one out.

And, with Tony Martin on board, there's even more reason to buy it! :rock:
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Wyvern? Whatchoo think?

NP: Symphorce - Godspeed

I'll probably will check it out throughly upon release. I absolutely adore the debut (but you know that already) ever so I never check the two albums afterwards mainly because the line-up was different. The Galley brothers, Cozy powell, Neil Murray and Glenn Hughes was for me the essence of Phenomena as a Deep Purple/Whitesnake/Rainbow offspring.

But in anycase this looks like something worth to study. Thanks a lot for the hint. :wave:

NP: Pink Floyd - 'Confortably Numb'
Yeah, that first one probably can't be topped. We'll never get that line-up again, unless everyone else in the band dies and joins Cozy up in Heaven. There is no mention of bass player or drummer in the press release, so I assume Mel or Tom played bass and they hired a studio drummer.

I like the songwriting though, judging from the samples.

NP: Alice Cooper - Ballad of Jesse Jane!
Thanks to a good friend's advice, I was lucky enough to get an advance copy of this album, and I have to say "I am impressed". I don't think it's going to top the debut (not with my sentimental value), but after three listens it is sure to make second best for Phenomena and maybe even early contender for top-10 album of '06.

Psycho Fantasy is a nice mix of prog rock and prog metal, with a wide variety of other influences thrown in. There is a symphony backing in parts, and sometimes the strings are oddly mixed with strange genre shifts. Tony Martin even does a rap kind of thing on one song, but only during certain verses, so it's not very annoying (in contrast, 80s AOR moments appear on the same song). Glenn Hughes sings sporadically, not as much as I expected. My guess is only about 20% of vocals are Glenn's, but they all slay.

I'm still not sure where this album is going to end up on my top-10 of the year, but a few listens in it has already logged 7 of 10 stars just for songwriting creativity and variety (only thing left is longevity). You certainly can't accuse the songs on Psycho Fantasy of sounding the same. The downside to that is you can't please everyone completely; some songs just aren't going to get it done for every ear listening. To me, that's part of the appeal. But I expect it to get some negative reviews based on a few songs, according to the opinion of the ear hearing it.