New pickup, need some help with a grounding issue


Jan 1, 2009
I bought myself a Screamin' Demon with my holiday cash, installed it myself, and for the most part everything is peachy. However, there's a grounding issue that I can't seem to sort out - touching the pole pieces or grounding screws produces Ye Old Icky Grounding Hum. If I'm playing and my palm touches the screws it'll start crackling and cutting out. I've taken the back off, resoldered the connections, even poked around with a magnifying glass for the hell of it, but I can't find anything that doesn't look right.

Any suggestions as to how I should go about narrowing things down? If anyone wants them, I can take some pictures of the wiring tomorrow once there are camera batteries in the house.

Cheers, and thanks.
Generally when you touch a guitars volume pot naked, it's going to create some noise.

When you put your hand on the strings, does the noise get louder? If so, you made a boo-boo when you were grounding. Look up wiring diagrams on seymour duncan's website. They've never once failed me.
Looks like I've got it taken care of, though Duncan's schematic was surprisingly unhelpful. I had the bare ground wired up just like all of their diagrams show (volume pot, on the same terminal as the green), but soldering it to the bottom of the pot instead solved the problem.

Thanks anyway.