New Pop Punk mix!

This sounds so good! I was expecting an ADTR rip off but this is the kinda pop punk I love! One thing is that the kick sounds too clicky for this genre. It needs more punch behind it.
They wanted it clicky, I still have to listen to it in the car, but I will definitely play with more punch, thanks!
Samples. Their name is Carson. Doing a 4 song EP with them, they will be released soon, as soon as I'm done mixing and editing everything.

They have 3 songs on their Facebook, one of them tracked with Neil Engle, 2 of them tracked somewhere else, I don't remember where.
Mix sounds pretty solid!! Only two things i thing you should do is take a little more harshness out of the guitar tone and bring up the bass more. maybe a little more grit to the bass tone. most of the time for pop punk you want the bass tracks to be driving the guitars. But still, solid mix for sure dude!
that snare sounds super strange to me, almost as if the wires were turned off?
it is super distracting to me. The guitars sound pretty good to me, but i wish i could feel more bass and hear a little bit more grit.
that snare sounds super strange to me, almost as if the wires were turned off?

+1, and it sounds kind of... electro. All hard hits by the sounds of things. In fact, all the toms sound like hard hit samples as well. Maybe try and mix that up and bring in some dynamics to the drums.

Vocals are too low in the mix/guitars are too loud. One of the two. As stated above, turn up the bass a bit and add grit. The volume issue may be sorted by the guitar level being reduced though.
cool track!! mix is pretty neat but i'd definitely agree with previous comments on the kick being too clicky and the snare not sounding quite right. i think ChristopherJames99 got it right when he said about the lack of bottom snares.....sounds just like the top mic is used. and that top mic sounds like its mids have been sucked out. guitars are definitely a bit too harsh (take out some 1.5-3k) and need dropping down a db or 2. that should help the vocals cut through better too which at the moment i think are a bit buried. and i'd like to hear more bass...or at least a more cutting bass tone! :D