New portuguese fucker got in...


Suicidal Freak
Apr 30, 2004
Isn´t this a fun place to hang around... I´m from Portugal has you may have guessed , and of course i pay tribute to portuguese bands though i don´t like them very much.
Such has Moonspell , who are my only exception cause they re great , Ramp , Comme Restus , Mão Morta ( dead hand if you prefer) and the list could go on...
If there are any compatriots of mine , just let me know.
Has for the rest of you , if you need any help on information about any portuguese band just ask , i´ll check my «contacts».

:hotjump: got burned by the raising of hell´s children:hotjump:
Sorry ´bout that , i didn´t know how to title the topic , i think i just swered there. Anyway , thanks for the welcome Lady. A kiss*
I Brother in Arm!! It's nice to see some Lusitanian Heart Pounding in the Deeps of Metal!!! Stay Strong... ORGULHOSAMENTE SÒS , GLORIA ANTIGA.... VOLTA PRA NÒS... ALMA MATER
Now i know i´m not alone!!!
Show me around this place one of this days man... perhaps on PM or something..

In the moon mountain , 6wolves cry...our lost glory , regain or die!