New Power Quest line up revealed!

Only heard of Pete Morton, but thats probably due to my limited knowledge of the scene. Still psyched and hoping to make it down to Southampton to catch the new line-up

Even with that limited knowledge, I can see the possibilities that are there for a 3 pronged guitar attack on some tracks

Also the hope that more UK based people = more touring = the Quest becoming bigger than ever (and actually achieving the success that the first 4 albums should have deserved)
So we have new blood:

Pete Morten - vocals, sang with Soliloquy and touring guitarist for Threshold, also sings with new power metal bands Thunder Force and Nightmare World, scheduled to record 3 albums in 2010

Andrew Midgley - guitars, just 20 years old, plays guitar for female-fronted prog/symph metal band Liquid Sky.

Ben Randall - guitars, only 18 years old, won 'Most Promising Young Guitarist Award'.

Paul Finnie - bass, played briefly in an old post-punk band The Wake and vocals for an unheard of band? (1 hit on google), was PQ's stage manager.

Rich Smith - drums, supported a number of big acts like Vader, Dark Funeral, Old Man's Child, Green Carnation and ex-Cradle of Filth project The Blood Divine, also member of Thunder Force with Pete and electro-rock/industrial band Aphemia who are producing with Karl Groom at Thin Ice.

Well. I'd say the proof is in the pudding. I'm going to withhold most of my judgement (for what that's worth!) until I've heard these dudes play together. I have faith in Steve's recruiting talents (because the bands he's put together before have never failed to impress) and I hope they'll be just as mind blowing.

I have to say there's a little gnawing worry in the back of my head because none of the names hit me as instantly recognisable as well as some of the guys not having a tonne of experience (there's two younger than myself even who haven't really been with any breakthrough bands and another who recently was only a techie).

But hey, I've got the faith. I'm sure the line-up will deliver a stunning performance and it's brilliant news that we've got 2010 as a release date for the new album!

EDIT: Hey Pete! Great to have you aboard! Big welcome mate! Can't wait to hear you take PQ to the next level, Alessio put that bar pretty high dude - you've heard that guy's falsetto! :D :headbang:
I don't think many people had of me before I started PQ! lol! Nor were Alessio or Andrea household names either.....hehe!

All I can say is that I have chosen people on ability and potential irrespective of age or experience....and also on the rather important subject of keeping the PQ family tradition upheld. Didn't someone once say "if you are good enough, you are old enough" hehehe!
Very exciting news, Steve. I can't say I've ever heard of any of the new members before, but that probably makes me even more excited to hear how much ass this band is going to kick in the near future.

Welcome to the forum, Pete! It's good to have you here, and I can't wait to hear you and the other guys on the new album.
I don't think we should expect the new PQ to sound like the old PQ. But like any fan, I think that the old songs should be played as they were recorded. I have never heard Pete sing live but if his fiery performances with Threshold on guitars are anything to go by, I think he will make a great frontman. I would also say don't judge the new band before we've seen them live and heard them on record...give them a chance to prove themselves. Judging by the samples of Ben Randall on his myspace I feel that the legacy of Andrea is in good hands and that the new line up is more than capable of carrying the torch and standard of PQ!

PS. Welcome to the Quest Pete...and the other guys as well!
21 guns salute to you Steve for your diligence, dedication, focus and perseverance!

PPS. For those whom it might interest there is a Pete Morten wallpaper available to download HERE.
Hey Guys!

Ben Randall here, just wanted to say hi to all of the Power Quest fans, can't wait to meet you all soon at the shows in October!

The rehearsals have been going really well - there is great energy between us, and I can't wait to play the songs live!

See you on the road! :headbang:

All the best

The rehearsals have been going really well - there is great energy between us, and I can't wait to play the songs live!

Can't wait to hear you take on PQ, anyone who can tackle the Temple of Fire solo gets my respect! :kickass: Welcome mate, hope as many of the new guys can get on the forums as they can! See you in Oct!
It scares me a little that some of these new members are quite a lot younger than me. :lol:

I know for a fact that both of these new guitarists are awesome and I'm already familiar with Pete's formidable range having played gigs with Metalloid before and catching him at BOA with Nightmare World this year.

Looking forward to hearing how it all comes together. Roll on the 18th!
Although I've never heard any of the names of the new line-up before, I'm confident in Steve's ability to pick the best guys for the job. Can't wait to hear what they'll bring to the table!

Welcome aboard, guys, and make sure the Quest goes on! :headbang:
Well I've checked out Nightmare World on their myspace page and I like what I've heard. I don't think he will have too much trouble handling the old PQ songs live. The more I listen to him the more I think he sounds like Richie Wicks from Shadowkeep. I did wonder if Steve would attempt a 'different direction' with the new singer which made me nervous, but while Pete can hardly be called an Alessio clone I don't think he is much of a departure from what we had before. He sings in the style of most melodic power metal singers which suits the PQ sound just fine.

When I found out he was the singer it wasn't a particularly surprising choice as the members of PQ, Threshold, Soliloquy and various other bands in the UK scene seem to know each other from touring, festivals and what-not. My only concern is that he seems to be in 5 different bands at the last count, which leaves me wondering if there might be scheduling issues somewhere down the line. That and his serious lack of a strong Italian accent.

I don't know much about the other new members except that Andrew is unbelievably pretty. The teenie-bopper goth chicks (the type that like Him and Evanescence) will go absolutely gaga over him. But as long as they know their way around their particular instruments I'm happy. And I wouldn't worry too much about anyone's lack of experience. They've all got to get that experience somewhere. There's a first time for everything and all that.

So with all that in mind I'm looking forward to October 19th at the Islington Academy. :)

EDIT: Changing number of bands Pete is in.