New Powerwolf album - Preachers of the Night


Epic Metaller
Aug 8, 2006
Frankfurt, Germany
Not much info released as of now but after being in the recording studio for some time the upcoming 5th studio album has been announced as "Preachers of the Night" and will contain 11 tracks:

1. Amen & Attack
2. Secrets Of The Sacristy
3. Coleus Sanctus
4. Sacred & Wild
5. Kreuzfeuer
6. Cardinal Sin
7. In The Name Of God (Deus Vult)
8. Nochnoi Dozor
9. Lust For Blood
10. Extatum Et Oratum
11. Last Of The Living Dead
Artwork released:

You know what, reading that back it does come across as if I'm presenting opinion as fact. I apologise for the unduly harsh tone, no offence intended.
You know what, reading that back it does come across as if I'm presenting opinion as fact. I apologise for the unduly harsh tone, no offence intended.

I personally don't think there was anything wrong with your post by itself, if people can't conclude that you were just stating your own opinion then I would worry for them!

I would personally give any song it's full-length, or at least 2 or 3 minutes of it if I was intentionally giving it a listen to see whether I enjoyed it or not, but obviously everybody has their own ways of trying out things.
Fair point but I still think I was tactless and overly critical about something that a fellow member obviously has a lot of time for. I'm not normally like that either so I must have been having a bad day or something!