New pre-production songs!

Aaron Smith

Envisage Audio
Feb 10, 2006
Seattle, WA
I just uploaded three pre-production songs to my band's Myspace page, two of which were the ones I recently posted on here without vocals. If anyone wants to hear them with vocals (plus one more), have at it! They aren't mastered of course...
your beard is out of control!

i'm liking the feel of "the vindicator" it's very dark. Loving the vibrato on those leads. Noice arpeggios too.

"the final days" makes me think doomy-djent. I like the clean vocals before the solo (nice solo tone btw).

i like the way it goes back and froth from that filtered effect around 2 minutes into "cycles of self". slick leads at 3:40ish.

Overall i've got to say, i love the atmosphere and overall "tone" of the songs. It's very dark and evil sounding. What guitar amps did you use? it's sounds fantastic.
i believe he was using a behringer vamp 2. he already posted "the vindicator" before - just without vocals.

great tunes you got there!
Really nice, excellent job, the guitars sound really good for a modeller! I'm liking the fact that your brother (?) is wearing an Agalloch T-shirt!
It's so weird how that V-Amp actually works out so well, haha. I basically have it set: Lows - 0, Mids - 10, Highs - 10...then a really huge ridiculous scoop out of the gross low mids, a small shelf boost to the highs, and a scoop out of this really terrible ear-fatiguing 2k-ish area that the V-Amp has. I've tried using the V-Amp with the mids turned down, and I don't like it quite as much.
Cool writing! I like the songs very much.

You did this with the V-Amp? Well, that proves I am not crazy. . . I've had the V-Amp, Boss GT-8 and POD XT Live. . . then sold everything and kept the V-Amp only. Lol. You've made it sound good.

And yeah, that beard is out of control!