New profile pack: Marshall JCM800 (DOES TEH BROOTULZ)


New Metal Member
Sep 28, 2014
Hey guys, we just released a profile pack of a really great (IMHO) sounding JCM 800 (2210 Model, 100 Watt). These go from "almost clean" to "brutal", and while we kind of specialize in the heavier stuff, the cleanish and in-between ones in this pack actually turned out pretty great as well... :D

We used a Mesa OS 4x12 cab, and some of the profiles have a Maxon OD820 overdrive pedal baked in for additional tightness. We did the profiling in a really nice studio room, using great mics (SM57, Neumann U87, AKG 5600).

More info and purchase here:

This is a brief demo showing TEH BROOTULZ:

And here a more neighbor-friendly demo:

Thanks for checking it out and let me know if you have any questions!!
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