New pub in town


Apr 29, 2004
The hard rock pub I used to go to in my town when I was a kid re-opened today, need to check it out. Any pics of rock or metal pubs in your town ????


I don't think my city has a metal bar. We do have a metal bar that books mostly metal bands, but that's about it. Not sure if Detroit has any (I'm sure they must somewhere), but Windsor does not.

Looks totally badass, Gert. Can they book bands in there or is it just to drink and listen to metal music over the PA?
There was a band playing at the opening, but it's relatively small I think for live gigs. But I've seen bands play in MUCH smaller places too :)
Like Anvil doing 3 days in a row gigs in a tiny Belgian club (Negasonic).
We don't have anything remotely as that here. The one that existed degenerated into chaos and crapness years ago.
Just been there after seeing Vicious Rumors (awesome gig again, these guys are rollin' !!!).
It's much bigger than I expected, so perfect for smaller live shows. Nice place to have only a few miles from my home !!
There is an awesome bar in Tokyo called Mother...for every drink you buy you get to pick a song to be played...they have everything....and its all on cd...which is pick a band then get given all there cd's and pick a song :D....
There is an awesome bar in Tokyo called Mother...for every drink you buy you get to pick a song to be played...they have everything....and its all on cd...which is pick a band then get given all there cd's and pick a song :D....

Sounds like a great idea to me! :)
There is an awesome bar in Tokyo called Mother...for every drink you buy you get to pick a song to be played...they have everything....and its all on cd...which is pick a band then get given all there cd's and pick a song :D....

That's actually a really great idea. It can even drive me to drink alcohol :tickled:
So is that Biff Byford tending Bar! LOL.

I just heard Saxon will be in California, at the Avalon in Santa Clara Oct.1st. can't wait.

Last time thry were going to play here Biff's house in France? burned down & they cancelled the tour. Something like that.
The hard rock pub I used to go to in my town when I was a kid re-opened today, need to check it out. Any pics of rock or metal pubs in your town ????

You are sooo very lucky that your pub reopened! I on the other hand would like to personally reopen the Legendary Hard Rock Club in Toronto, Ontario, called "The Gasworks!" If I can't do it myself, than I would really like to hope that someone else could become successful at fixing up the place.

If you never heard of it, I would at least hope that you have seen the movie Wayne's World, as Mike Meyers says the line; "The Gasworks! Always a babe fest!"

This is a picture of what it used to look like:


My "future husband", Sebastian Bach used to go there a lot! :lol:
As well as many other famous musicians/bands.

You can check out the pubs official website for more photos and videos that people had took over the years, here:

Apparently they are currently in the process of working on a documentary film. So for people to send in any pictures, videos, or stories just in general, would be much appreciated by the guys who are bringing Gasworks back alive!
Nothing like that near me. The metal bars in Chicago that I used to frequent are all gone.....Still a lot of nice clubs for shows, but nothing exclusively "metal" anymore..... :(