New Queensryche


Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
American Soldier - another concept album from Queensryche is out.

Anyone heard it ???

Hopefully it's good - Operation Mindcrime II was actually very good after some hit and misses (since Empire).
Enjoy man! I saw them live a couple of years ago. Still brilliant live.
i got it. great album. much better than operation mind 2. lot more atmosphere. tates singing is better, the production is better, the guitar solo's are much better. the solo's have a more classical feel to them. i'd say best queensryche album since promised land and thats tough to say because i loved tribe and HITNF
I've only heard it a few times, but it's definitely at least pretty good. The Killer has a GREAT chorus; got stuck in my head forever. A lot of people are getting into a hissy fit about how "unmetal" it is, but come on. Queensryche haven't been metal since 1994, about. You'd think people would come to realize that the band would never go down that path again, especially since Geoff is hardly a metal fan at all (I'm not sure about the rest of them).
I've only heard it a few times, but it's definitely at least pretty good. The Killer has a GREAT chorus; got stuck in my head forever. A lot of people are getting into a hissy fit about how "unmetal" it is, but come on. Queensryche haven't been metal since 1994, about. You'd think people would come to realize that the band would never go down that path again, especially since Geoff is hardly a metal fan at all (I'm not sure about the rest of them).

well that and queesnryche never want to be stuck under a certain genre which is why they are prog metal. look at dream theater's first few albums. they have a few metal songs and the rest are jazz and spacey ballads and stuff. thats just what some bands of the genre like to do. this new album is great though. best thing they've done since 1997. its hard to say if i like it more than HITNF (see avatar). still though "if i were king", "man down", "killer", " a dead mans words" and "home again" are classic. a few others are pretty good.

i like when queensryche fans say "get degarmo back and they will be good sound like they did in the 80's and early 90's". degarmo is half the reason they sound the way they do now. look at the writing credits in HITNF and you'll see chris wrote 5 or 6 songs by himself and cowrote the other tunes
High end progessive rock is the way I would describe their music.

I got the album - just listened to 1 or 2 tracks but I like it a lot already.
High end progessive rock is the way I would describe their music.

I got the album - just listened to 1 or 2 tracks but I like it a lot already.

i hope you got past the first 2 tracks because those are the weakest on the album which is an odd way to start such a great album. "unafraid" should be more towards the middle and i didn't care too much for the opening track which almost hurt my opinion of the album. because of the army drill instructor loop and the way tate sings the chorus it gives the song an almost hip hop feel. i guess thats cool to experiment with and try something new but i didn't care for it
Hell yea they are playing a concert live online. You can watch it for like 5 bucks or something. its going to be on may 19 and 20 at cdpulse(dot)com.