
Record Label(s)/Vocalist
Sep 12, 2007
This is why I say bands shouldn't bother with new stuff sometimes. They haven't been writing good material in years and this is on par with that.

The harmonies sound weird and not right (where is PELATA when I need him!). The opening transition is terrible. Ugh. For the record if you are going to give a 90 second teaser in the future make sure it's 90 seconds that will surely SELL the album, not have people question whether it's the best ya got! duh.

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This is why I say bands shouldn't bother with new stuff sometimes. They haven't been writing good material in years and this is on par with that.

The harmonies sound weird and not right (where is PELATA when I need him!). The opening transition is terrible. Ugh. For the record if you are going to give a 90 second teaser in the future make sure it's 90 seconds that will surely SELL the album, not have people question whether it's the best ya got! duh.

That's just it; maybe it IS the best they got. You gotta remember, it wasn't all Geoff Tate's fault why they wrote such horrible music these last TWENTY years. Though I gave them a shot at redemption every now and then, Queensryche died (for me) even before "Empire". Once they moved away from utilizing the soaring 'over the top' vocals, H.P.Lovecraft inspired concepts,ect; and attempted to become a 'modern' Rock band, they killed themselves.

Oh, but then there were those 'hit' songs they released...
From Todd's FB page:

Todd La Torre @Derek Solomon: It is not even final mix let alone mastered. This was something for the fans to hear, that's all. Trust me, Jimbo is a world class engineer, it's all good
February 23 at 7:50pm · Like · 31

The vocal mix sounds WAY unfinished, which makes sense given Todd's statement. And, again, I don't hear it being off key. A band like Queensryche, while promoting a new singer, would not release anything, even a rough mix, where the singer was off key. It's the off-kilter mix making it sound weird.
Trust me, he's off key. There are sharps on the high notes and flats on the low notes. Add to that the fact that whoever is doing the background vocals (which are someone else in the band) IS on key, makes the lead vocals sound even worse. Given the statement about it being a rough mix, it makes sense. I'll bet they're 'scratch' vocal tracks. Let me just add that if you heard a boom box cassette recording of a group of singers that are on key, it will sound good. The vocals don't sound weird because of the mix, they're not musically sound.
I like most of the samples but ill wait for the whole thing before I make a judgment. I havent liked the last three or so albums TheGeoff claims were so brilliant but I will give this new one a chance.
From Todd's FB page:

The vocal mix sounds WAY unfinished, which makes sense given Todd's statement. And, again, I don't hear it being off key. A band like Queensryche, while promoting a new singer, would not release anything, even a rough mix, where the singer was off key. It's the off-kilter mix making it sound weird.

So I guess it raises my point to why release something that is unfinished without saying it is. The press release was promoting it to be a clip of a finished song. which as you know Shawn with KWD i tell everyone explicitly when something isn't finished.

This is what it says in video description:
Queensryche "Redemption" (teaser audio clip) from the forthcoming 2013 release!

They f**ked up on that one for sure because I already have a bad taste.
I think both camps are under such a PR blitz that they're rushing material, photos, whatever out just to try and win the news cycle. It's like following politics in an election year.

Agreed and it's hurting the non-Tate Queensryche the most. Just read an interview with him that was, well, right on point. Talking about why he did all the interviews in the past, etc. he was the articulate one. haha.

Plus, them trying to "fire him" from a corporation. The mess is only going to get worse and he will win the lawsuit for sure. He seems the most business savvy, as far as public eye is concerned, of them all. I am thinking all his ducks are in a row for this lawsuit.
Agreed and it's hurting the non-Tate Queensryche the most. Just read an interview with him that was, well, right on point. Talking about why he did all the interviews in the past, etc. he was the articulate one. haha.

Plus, them trying to "fire him" from a corporation. The mess is only going to get worse and he will win the lawsuit for sure. He seems the most business savvy, as far as public eye is concerned, of them all. I am thinking all his ducks are in a row for this lawsuit.

You're probably right, which is too bad since he seems like an enormous douchebag. I've thought from the start the other camp should have stuck with the Rising West name, but I can see why (namely money) they went for the QR rights.