[New record of an old Progressive Metal Composition]


Yogurt as Lead3rs
Mar 2, 2012
Bordeaux (FRANCE)

Hi guys !
So, I'm new on this forum, and I share you my last record.
I did it with a good friend of mine who played synths on it.
It a sort of Progressive Metal, Electronic, jazzy song...
Dunno. More like "undefined genre" haha.

I'm a noob in production tips haha. I enjoy a lot Messhugah, Periphery, AAL, Bulb stuff, Vildhjarta etc.... All bigs Djentlemans.
(But I really appreciate Jazz, more like current Swedish Jazz, Electro stuff...)
So I just love all this weird stuff with complex structure/shapes/chords, polyrythms and high gains crancky/djenty tones.

My poor setup :) :
_POD X3 Live
_Agile 8 string guitar (+my father's guitars : Fender Stratocaster USA 1969, Godin electroacoustic and Harley Benton 5 strings bass haha)
_Ableton Live
_M-Audio Fast track Ultra (audio interface)
_M-Audio BX8A (monitors)

So, tell me what do you think of my production, what should be better, main issues... etc...
I really want to improve my skills and knowledge in "music production" and I think I can find a lot of usefull informations on this awesum forum :D

Btw, I'm french, so sorry for my little mistakes ^^ (I like frogs and Omelette du fromage). >.<
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