A release we ourselves were not sure would see light of day, has finally come to fruition. Humanity's Plague Prod. is proud to present Germany's PESTREITER.
Cruel and barbaric black metal. An unrelenting and unforgiving display of speed and abrogating emotions that blends proficiency with raw power akin to the stylings of early Marduk, Dark Funeral and Belphegor. It's as if to experience the bloodlust of a wolf pack devouring its prey after the hunt. PESTREITER stands as a blitzkrieg strike in the war against all religions!! Hear them at http://www.myspace.com/pestreiter or http://www.facebook.com/pestreiter
Labels--email us for possible trades
Stores/distros--email us for wholesale rates on this and many other titles
YOU--preorder your copy today
Humanity's Plague Prod.
Cruel and barbaric black metal. An unrelenting and unforgiving display of speed and abrogating emotions that blends proficiency with raw power akin to the stylings of early Marduk, Dark Funeral and Belphegor. It's as if to experience the bloodlust of a wolf pack devouring its prey after the hunt. PESTREITER stands as a blitzkrieg strike in the war against all religions!! Hear them at http://www.myspace.com/pestreiter or http://www.facebook.com/pestreiter

Labels--email us for possible trades
Stores/distros--email us for wholesale rates on this and many other titles
YOU--preorder your copy today
Humanity's Plague Prod.