New Review: Assemblent - Equilibrium


Apr 9, 2002
I write for, figured I'd start posting some of these here, generate some discussion, maybe open some people up to some new bands. Diggit!


Portugal is not a country that has ever been known as the hotbed of metal. For many, if asked to name a Portuguese metal band, the band that would likely come to mind would be Moonspell, probably the most well-known metal band from that region, at least outside of the country. Portugal may not be overflowing with internationally-known metal bands, but rest assured, like in any country, they do exist.

Enter Assemblent.

Formed in 1998 the band was then simply just a group of friends playing cover tunes under the name of Dawn; it wasn’t until 2002, as the band members matured, that Assemblent was born and the band began to write their own original material. A 2-song demo followed shortly thereafter and garnered positive reviews. After touring throughout Portugal in 2004, the band decided to record a full-length promo album with Miguel Fonseca (Thormentor) for the purpose of generating label interest. It worked. A young Portugal-based label going by the name of Nemesis signed the band and felt that the 10-song promo was strong enough to be released after being properly mastered as the current promo version needed a little added boost.

Enter Equilibrium.

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