NEW REVIEW UPLOAD - 14 new reviews


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
All in the A-Z index for now. The review index will be updated when I get NAD's uploaded tomorrow night.

AINA - Days of Rising Doom
BENIGHTED - Insane Cephallic Production
BRACED FOR NAILS - Damnation's Prayer
DEADHORSE - Peaceful Death and Pretty Flowers
DISBELIEF - Spreading the Rage
KOTIPELTO - Coldness
DAN LORENZO - Cassius King
MALEVOLENT CREATION - The Ten Commandments
MEMORIZED DREAMS - Theater of Life
SKINLAB - Nerve Damage
SUBTERRANEAN MASQUERADE - Temporary Psychotic State
TOC - Loss Angeles

That's true. I don't know if I could properly find the right words to express the utter transcendencal experiences their albums have on me. It is beyond epistemological boundaries perhaps. :worship:
Nate The Great said:
Neurosis is unreviewable. Reviewing Neurosis is like doing a book report on the Bible.
In the beginning God....

There you go.
Nate The Great said:
Neurosis is unreviewable. Reviewing Neurosis is like doing a book report on the Bible.
I have several albums like that. I'll probably never get around to ÆNIMA or Danzig 4p, I'm just plain not worthy.

I've heard the name of two of those bands, that's it. Reading to do...
Yeah I only realized this morning that I had that one from you too. I got so used to my 'Erik' folder being empty, and I'd moved all your stuff to the Bathory feature folder, yadda yadda, I'm rambling. Somebody shoot me.
I don't see any reason to be so intimidated by an album that you find it impossible to summarize its greatness in words, though I did dread the assignment of writing one for Kayo Dot and put it off for over a month after first hearing it...I think the secret is to treat your idea of a godlike recording like any other album and avoid describing it in worshipful terms as much as possible.
Demonspell said:
I don't see any reason to be so intimidated by an album that you find it impossible to summarize its greatness in words
I'm not intimidated by those albums, more that I don't want to disgrace the album by writing something lackluster, and when certain albums are of an insanely high quality, words describing them can't reach that high. Honestly my review for ÆNIMA would be "This is the greatest album of all time. Why? Just listen to it." :Spin:

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