NEW REVIEW UPLOAD: Dimmu Borgir, Aborym, Arcturus & more...


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
It's Sunday! OK the following have been added to the review index:

ABORYM - With No Human Intervention
ANGST - Divine Wrath [Unsung Heroes]
ARCTURUS - La Masquerade Infernale [Pre-2003]
KING DIAMOND - The Puppet Master [Staff Pick of the Week]
DIMMU BORGIR - Death Cult Armageddon
VIKING CROWN - Unorthodox Steps of Ritual [Pre-2003]

It probably would have helped NAD to hear Aborym's previous albums. 'With No Human Intervention' isn't that groundbreaking. It's simply a step further in the same direction or the previous two. Aborym is WAY out in front of a growing sub-genre of black metal - post-blackmetal. Anyway, at least NAD is interested in the band. Check out the previous album, 'Fire Walk With Us!'. It is the album that solidified Aborym's sound. It is also probably the first classic in the post-black metal sub-genre.

Oh . . . the drums were all drum machines. I didn't see a mention of that. There's no way a human can play that fast.
npearce said:
Oh . . . the drums were all drum machines. I didn't see a mention of that. There's no way a human can play that fast.
I had my suspicions, but wasn't sure. I must admit that since completing that review the album has grown on me, I'll have to revisit it by the end of the year methinks.

I have to revisit a few albums I reviewed this year actually, but Aborym looks like the only one that might GAIN a point instead of losing one. :Smug:

And nice rant, Erik. Even though I am against piracy, I am far more against the idiotic steps being taken by the recording industry. Piracy began long before file sharing, so don't make the majority suffer due to the actions of the minority. Also, your words concerning the album sum up my thoughts of Puritanical: there really is nothing wrong with the album, but it is just so completely sterile! Needless to say, I won't be picking the new Dimmu up. /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif
I am curious about previous DIMMU just to hear this ICS Vortex chap. I mean, I've heard BORKNAGAR and I've heard ARCTURUS, but I'm assuming that his work with DIMMU is significantly stronger just because I don't see the hype. Yes, he's good, and yes, "The Chaos Path" is stunning, but he's not walking on water just yet IMO.
DO NOT buy Dimmu albums just to hear Hestnaes. His vocals are very limited. If you've heard The Chaos Path and his work in Borknagar, then you've heard his best performances. The only song worth mentioning of Dimmu's with Simen singing is The Insight and the Catharsis. It is a great song, but Simen only sings the last 2 minutes. The rest of the album is crap. If you can somehow just get the last 2 minutes of that song, go for it. Otherwise, don't waste the money.

Hestnaes is one of a kind. No one sounds like him. And no one could replicate his work on The Presence is Ominous, The Chaos Path, or Colossus. He was easily the best vocalist Borknagar ever had. It's too bad he left so he could garner a bigger paycheck in an inferior band that doesn't exploit his talents.
Dreamlord said:
Otherwise, don't waste the money.
Yeah, thanks. I was hoping someone could rip me some MP3's of just the Dimmu songs with Simen, heh.

Hestnaes is one of a kind. No one sounds like him. And no one could replicate his work on The Presence is Ominous, The Chaos Path, or Colossus. He was easily the best vocalist Borknagar ever had.
Vintersorg's clean vocals do sound similar to his, and he was a good replacement. I think Empiricism is hit and miss though. Songs like "Genuine Pulse" and "Stellar Dome" is brilliant stuff, for sure.
Dreamlord said:
DO NOT buy Dimmu albums just to hear Hestnaes. His vocals are very limited. If you've heard The Chaos Path and his work in Borknagar, then you've heard his best performances. The only song worth mentioning of Dimmu's with Simen singing is The Insight and the Catharsis. It is a great song, but Simen only sings the last 2 minutes. The rest of the album is crap. If you can somehow just get the last 2 minutes of that song, go for it. Otherwise, don't waste the money.

Hestnaes is one of a kind. No one sounds like him. And no one could replicate his work on The Presence is Ominous, The Chaos Path, or Colossus. He was easily the best vocalist Borknagar ever had. It's too bad he left so he could garner a bigger paycheck in an inferior band that doesn't exploit his talents.

You seem to rip Dimmu just for the sake of it sometimes... as do a few others here as well.

I guess I just don't get it. I like the pristine production, the heaviness and keyboards/fluff/pomp.

Oh well... "Dimmu Borgir sucks, Papa Josh sucks, blah, blah, blah, I suck, you suck, blah, blah, blah..."
Dreamlord said:
DO NOT buy Dimmu albums just to hear Hestnaes. His vocals are very limited. If you've heard The Chaos Path and his work in Borknagar, then you've heard his best performances. The only song worth mentioning of Dimmu's with Simen singing is The Insight and the Catharsis. It is a great song, but Simen only sings the last 2 minutes. The rest of the album is crap. If you can somehow just get the last 2 minutes of that song, go for it. Otherwise, don't waste the money.

Hestnaes is one of a kind. No one sounds like him. And no one could replicate his work on The Presence is Ominous, The Chaos Path, or Colossus. He was easily the best vocalist Borknagar ever had. It's too bad he left so he could garner a bigger paycheck in an inferior band that doesn't exploit his talents.

Exactly. Unfortunate, but right on the money.


Papa Josh said:
You seem to rip Dimmu just for the sake of it sometimes... as do a few others here as well.

I guess I just don't get it. I like the pristine production, the heaviness and keyboards/fluff/pomp.

Oh well... "Dimmu Borgir sucks, Papa Josh sucks, blah, blah, blah, I suck, you suck, blah, blah, blah..."
Ali asked. I answered. It's really that simple.

At least my opinion of them is founded, as I've heard the majority of their material. I can see why so many adore them. They are easy to digest, and not too hard on the ears.
Dreamlord said:
Ali asked. I answered. It's really that simple.

At least my opinion of them is founded, as I've heard the majority of their material. I can see why so many adore them. They are easy to digest, and not too hard on the ears.

I guess that's about as close to praise aswe're going to get here. :tickled:

No big deal, I could care less... I enjoy them, and when the soundman isn't fucking their sound, they actually put on a great show. Still haven't decided iwho's the better of them or the Filth...
I thought Erik's review for Dimmu was excellent. Really well founded arguments, and I think the comparisons to Stormblast adds significantly to the discussion point.

The thing is, both Dimmu and Filth carry SO much baggage now, I guess they'll always be at the end of some fair amount of criticism regardless of what they do.

I know so little about the history here, and why both bands became so incredibly shunned - quite ruthlessly as well from what I can tell by perusing other forum banter, but I've gotta say, I would hardly label the latest efforts from both Dimmu and Cradle as 'disasters'.

Just from a personal standpoint, I like the whole 'epic movie soundtrack' thing, but that's just me. It just adds another notch of variety into my listening post. Ever turn the volume up to the new Cradle of Filth on big amp/speakers? You become wrapped into the whole production sound. It's like watching a bastardized The Omen, Lawrence of Arabia, and Cleopatra all in one.

I'm not saying every CD has to sound like this, but I have no problems owning at least one or two metal albums that launch into 70 piece orchestras once in a while. Just waiting for the new Iced Earth now... :)
people talk shit on kovenant, dimmu, and cof becuase they think it makes BM look bad by association, but i think they make BM look bad by comparison. either way, they're all just jealous of dani filth's superior languistic skills.
I talk shit about Dimmu because of their inferior music. I don't give a crap if some troll pissing in the woods wants to keep black metal pure.

Haven't heard enough of the other two to give a fair assessment.