New Reviews - God Dethroned, Dark Fortress, Opeth


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
New reviews are being added to the site:

God Dethroned - INTO THE LUNGS OF HELL (Metalblade)
Opeth - MORNINGRISE (Century Media)

God Dethroned is up there now, DF and Opeth will be up in about 20 minutes.

Thanks markgugs and Dark One.
At the risk of being a media whore (whoops, too late), this was quoted directly by the Metal Blade Promotions Director in a Publicity Mailer that went out this afternoon:

"GOD DETHRONED is another of the rare breed of band that manages to incorporate a tremendous amount of melody into their songs without sacrificing any brutality. Rating: 9.7/10"

Yes, the only quoted review on the new album came from us, only 4 days after we went live. Yes, I'm patting myself on the back, but dammit man! It feels good! Ok, enough of being a whore. Carry on.
markgugs said:
this was quoted directly by the Metal Blade Promotions Director in a Publicity Mailer that went out this afternoon:

"GOD DETHRONED is another of the rare breed of band that manages to incorporate a tremendous amount of melody into their songs without sacrificing any brutality. Rating: 9.7/10"

That's fantastic, Mark! Great job! :cool:

Hopefully this is a sign of things to come!
Demonspell said:
Excellent Morningrise review, and getting quoted in a press release shortly after launching is something to gloat over... :)

Hey, thanks for the support Demonspell! I just had to put up "Morningrise" as my first review as that album means so damn much to me. I remember having a cool time hanging out with you at the Opeth show at Irving Plaza.

Mark, that soooooooo rules about getting quoted so soon after going live. Take some serious pride in it!!!!
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"GOD DETHRONED is another of the rare breed of band that manages to incorporate a tremendous amount of melody into their songs without sacrificing any brutality. Rating: 9.7/10"

What on earth? :lol: How did we ever allow our rating system to score a 9.7? Why not just go to 3 decimal points: 9.701 ?? :lol: