This is an interesting update for Robotic Empire as we've been inspired to run our first contest in many years. Ruthlessly apeing our broz at Magic Bullet & OLD MAN GLOOM, we've just started a new contest on our Facebook page where people who like our page and like/share the above photo are entered into a contest to win a phat HEAP o' Robo Swag:
* Two TORCHE shirts
* Two Robotic Empire shirts
* The badass new NADJA shirt
* TILTS' beer coozie and stickers
* ANCIENT SKY's awesome T.R.I.P.S. cassette
* Zeep products galore! (Usnea Skin Balm, Healing Comfrey Balm + the popular Tea Tree Oil soap!)
* Zeep stickers and cloth patches aplenty
* and Robotic Empire stickers across Jah's glorious color spectrum mon!
Its a SOLID pile of stuff and all we're asking to enter is that you 1.) Share this photo, 2.) Like the photo and 3.) Like the Robotic Empire Facebook page.
We're doing this to try and spread the word about this update a bit more, as well as hook up some fortunate soul with a phatty care package. Win/win? That's the idea at least!
Head over to our Robotic Empire Facebook Contest to Like/Like/Share and one week from now (on Saturday the 19th) we will randomly pick someone to get this gnarly care package. Then we'll ask the winner for their shirt size(s) so we can get em outfitted properly. HOLLA!

Besides that blatant act of self promotion, we're also stoked to say that with FLOOR playing the MOGWAI-curated ATP later this month, and TORCHE hitting the Billboard Charts (!) with their new Harmonicraft banger of an album, we're running our "FLOORTWENTY" sale again until the end of the month, AND offering 15% off on TORCHE's first two albums on vinyl!
Folks who use the "FLOORTWENTY" coupon code will get the mega 8xCD discography set for only $20 PLUS a free 8xButton set. MEGA. This only runs for the next few weeks and will cease at the end of the month. Hit up the Robotic Empire - Online Store for all that and obviously lots more.
In that "obviously lots more" department we've got some solid new items for this update as well as some GREAT restocks. The re-stocks can often be an afterthought to folks who follow our updates, but this time around there really is some awesome stuff within.
On the new item tip, we've got THE ATLAS MOTH's latest LP on color wax, the long-long-awaited COFFINS / SOURVEIN split, ISIS overrun jackets for Oceanic (hang that gatefold up on yr wall!), another awesome Aaron Turner project is the JODIS debut 2xLP (really serene stuff), a MUTILATION RITES ripper from kindred spirts Forcefield, TORCHE overrun jackets (single-gatefold, makes a good poster), WHORES debut that everyone's flippin over, ex-CRESTFALLEN(!) band WILDILDLIFE from Volcom, stoner gems WINDHAND and WINO, plus a couple other oddz n' endz:
* Atlas Moth, The - An Ache For The Distance 12" - PURPLE COLORED VINYL (Brutal Panda) $19.99
* Coffins / Sourvein - Split 7" (Forcefield) $4.99
* Isis - Oceanic 2x12" - JACKET ONLY (Robotic Empire) $4.99
* Jodis - Secret House 2x12" - BLUE COLORED VINYL (Hydra Head) $27.99
* Jodis - Secret House 2x12" - GREEN PEACH COLORED VINYL (Hydra Head) $27.99
* Kill Your Brain - II Cassette (Cosmic Debris) $4.99
* Mutilation Rites - Devoid 12" (Forcefield) $9.99
* Om - God Is Good 12" (Drag City) $14.99
* Torche - Meanderthal 12" - JACKET ONLY (Robotic Empire) $1.99
* Whores - Ruiner 12" (Brutal Panda) $10.99
* Wildildlife - Give In To Live 12" (Volcom) $11.99
* Windhand - Self-Titled 12" (Forcefield) $9.99
* Wino - Adrift 12" (Volcom) $11.99
On the MIGHTY restock angle we've kinda got too much to mention it all so here's a quick n' dirty: ACID KING and ARTIMUS PYLE LPs, CANNABIS CORPSE' debut on color vinyl and sophomore on CD, an older CAVE IN LP on the cheap, COFFINS / OTESANEK scary split, CONVERGE re-up, an old import OOP CORRUPTED score, crucial COUGH catalog titles, DARK CASTLE on color, DAUGHTERS' freakishly good Hell Songs on mad different colors, DOOMRIDERS and GIVE UP JAH GHOST from Deathwish, a couple GODFLESH essential rarities on coloured vinylz, HARKONEN's stunning album finally available on the proper format, LOMA PRIETA, NACHTMYSTIUM, THE SWORD burly LPs, some harder-to-find and/or OOP THOU split LPs, TORCHE's Songs For Singles 12" (now with bonus 7"!), a rad UNEARTHLY TRANCE tape, and finally a YOB LP for cheap. Some other oddball bangers within, here's the full list:
* Acid King - Free / Down With the Crown 12" (Kreation) $9.99
* Aldebaran - From Forgotten Tombs 12" - GREY BLACK COLORED VINYL (Kreation) $11.99
* Artimus Pyle - Civil Dead 12" (Prank) $14.99
* Asunder - Works Will Come Undone 12" - MAROON TAN COLORED VINYL (Kreation) $12.99
* Battlemaster - Warthirsting & Winterbound CD (Forcefield) $9.99
* Cannabis Corpse - Blunted At Birth - STONED EYEBALL COLOR VINYL (Forcefield) $14.99
* Cannabis Corpse - Tube of the Resinated CD (Forcefield) $9.99
* Cave In - Tides of Tomorrow 12" (Hydra Head) $9.99
* Coffins / Otesanek - Split 12" - BLUE CLEAR COLORED VINYL (Kreation) $9.99
* Converge - Axe To Fall 12" (Deathwish) $10.99
* Corrupted - Paso Inferior 12" (Insolito) $17.99
* Cough - Sigillum Luciferi 2x12" - ORANGE COLORED VINYL (Forcefield) $19.99
* Cough - Sigillum Luciferi CD (Forcefield) $9.99
* Cough / The Wounded Kings - An Introduction To The Black Arts 12" (Forcefield) $12.99
* Dark Castle - Surrender To All Life Beyond Form 12" - RED COLORED VINYL (Brutal Panda) $23.99
* Daughters - Hell Songs 12" - BLACK VINYL (Hydra Head) $14.99
* Daughters - Hell Songs 12" - CREAM COLORED VINYL (Hydra Head) $14.99
* Daughters - Hell Songs 12" - GREEN COLORED VINYL (Hydra Head) $14.99
* Daughters - Hell Songs 12" - PLUM COLORED VINYL (Hydra Head) $14.99
* Doomriders - Darkness Come Alive 12" (Deathwish) $9.99
* Give Up The Ghost - Background Music 12" - OPAQUE GREEN COLORED VINYL (Deathwish) $11.99
* Godflesh - Self-Titled 12" - BLACK AND CLEAR SPLATTER COLORED VINYL (Kreation) $19.99
* Godflesh - Streetcleaner 12" - ORANGE BLACK SPLATTER COLORED VINYL (Kreation) $19.99
* Guilt, The - Worth Nothing Cassette (Cosmic Debris) $4.99
* Harkonen - Shake Harder Boy 12" - BLUE COLORED VINYL (Brutal Panda) $18.99
* Loma Prieta - I.V. 12" (Deathwish) $11.99
* Nachtmystium - Eulogy IV 12" (Kreation) $14.99
* Otesanek - Final 12" (Nancy Jo) $13.99
* Sword, The - Gods Of Earth 12" (Kemado) $13.99
* Thou / Leech - We Pass Like Night, From Land to Land 12" - WHITE COLORED VINYL (Adagio) $16.99
* Thou / Moloch - Tears That Soak A Callous Heart 12" - CLEAR COLORED VINYL (Feast Of Tentacles) $14.99
* Thou / Salome - Split 12" (Vendetta) $16.99
* Torche - Songs For Singles 12" - BLACK VINYL (Hydra Head) $16.99
* Torche - Songs For Singles 12" - PINK COLORED VINYL (Hydra Head) $16.99
* Torche - Songs For Singles 12" - RED COLORED VINYL (Hydra Head) $16.99
* Torche - Songs For Singles 12" - WHITE COLORED VINYL (Hydra Head) $16.99
* Unearthly Trace - V Cassette (Witch Sermon) $5.99
* Yob - Catharsis 12" (Kreation) $10.99
YEAAAH! Seriously good tunes abound! All that and thousands of other items are available now in the Robotic Empire - Online Store.
Please don't forget to check out our first contest in YEARS over at the Robotic Empire - Facebook. Good luck!
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