New Satyricon song "Black Crow on a Tombstone" posted

It's not bad really.. It's catchy and it's definately where the band's been leading to. I personally don't like what they're doing after Volcano, but that's just me.
I like it. Now, Diabolical was the first Satyricon I bought and over played it.
meh, nothing special. Satyr has lost focus seems quite dillusional these days about overhyping his new records. His black metal vocals have gone to shit, i haven't really enjoyed them since nemesis. I"LL stll probably end up with the record if i can find a few decent tracks.
Satyricon are the new Dimmu Borgir

I think they're distinctly above Dimmu Borgir. For one thing, to my knowledge Satyricon have entered relatively uncharted territory as far as the "black'n'roll" thing goes, and secondly they don't look like

Also, Dimmu Borgir's music is way lamer than this.
Oh, and the website in the first post can't even spell the band's name correctly. :lol:
I don't mind their last 3-4 albums, but I like the first 3 better, probably like most here do as well. Shadowthrone being my favorite.