New Scorpions RAWKS my balls off!

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
To all you vets out there that dug the Scorps at one time, I can tell you this new album is great! I've always known that when these guys are on they are fucking on!

Pick it up, this is vintage Scorpions, yet with a modern (in a good way, not like the last dismal disaster..) edge.

Hello Caleefornya!!!!!!!!!!

right on ... great record ... all good tracks, glassic melodies and riffs.
real catchy stuff
"Here I am....rawk yoo laak a hoorikaayaaaannee".

I'm not sure if I can go back to those vocals. Where once I was young and dumb, I am now scared of those German nasal passages.
JayKeeley said:
"Here I am....rawk yoo laak a hoorikaayaaaannee".

I'm not sure if I can go back to those vocals. Where once I was young and dumb, I am now scared of those German nasal passages.
I think it's cool that he's one of the few clean vocalists that retains his accent when he sings.

Besides, if you like Andi Deris or Don Dokken, how can you not like Klaus Meine?

Papa Josh said:

Besides, if you like Andi Deris or Don Dokken, how can you not like Klaus Meine?

I can't stand any of those fuckers! :tickled: Hehe, I'm kidding, but I think in Klaus Barbie's case, he has a serious nasal thing going on.

I haven't bought a Scorpions album since Savage Amusement. That album, by the way, is fucking cool.

Does Klaus Meine still have that mullet + receding hairline? These guys are millionairres, they should hire an image consultant or something.
ProgMetalFan said:
Do the Scorpians still have the competant drumming of Herman Rarebell?
Nah, he quit ages ago. Shame really, he was kinda cool I thought...reminded me of Graham Chapman for some reason...

I must say, I love Klaus Meine's voice. The first time I heard Scorpions (Make It Real on an old LP compilation called Axe Attack...later summer/autumn 2000...sorry, just reminiscing :tickled: ) it TOTALLY threw me off, like "Whoa, who the fuck's this Hitler clone?!?!". But for the last two, I've definately got quite fond of it. I can't think of anyone else who sounds like him, it's so distinct. Hell, it's even kinda sexy.

How does the new material compare to stuff like, say, Rock You Like A Hurricane, No One Like You...that general 1980 - '84 era? Do they still start every other song with a guitar solo?

Wind Of Change is fucking beautiful. I can remember listening to that for the first time too. Out on the road in the desert, somewhere in California I think. Fucking mind-changing, fucking beautiful...along with other stuffs at the time, could've brought a tear to my eye :cry:
If you have this...


...then you're all set!
That record was one of the things that got me going with my (now) ex. Fuck me, the Scorpions have had much more of an impact on my life than I ever previously thought! :eek:
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Newspapers in the United Arab Emirates are reporting that the American drummer for the rock band Scorpions has been sentenced to one month in jail after being convicted of offensive behavior in Dubai.

The government-backed National newspaper reported Tuesday that James Kottak was convicted of insulting Islam, raising his middle finger and being under the influence of alcohol while in transit at Dubai airport.

The Gulf News daily says he was arrested April 3 en route from Russia to Bahrain, where the German band was scheduled to perform at a Formula One race. Kottak was a no-show at the April 5 concert.

The newspapers say Kottak admitted to drinking but denied other charges.

Can these sensitive shits foad? In other news, there's a discrimination lawsuit against a SoCal go kart establishment who banned all head worn attire. Of course a certain sect got their hijabs in a bunch and cried bloody murder.
Hail the Hijab!

Fast food giant Subway has removed ham and bacon from almost 200 outlets, and switched to halal meat alternatives in an attempt to please its Muslim customers.
It has confirmed turkey ham and turkey rashers will be used instead in 185 of its stores, where all the meat will now be prepared according to halal rules.
The chain, which has around 1,500 outlets across the UK, explained its decision by saying it had to balance animal welfare concerns with 'the views of religious communities'.

In related news, yesterday I had a Sunrise Subway Melt, which included 4 strips of bacon, and 4 pieces of sausage. :dopey:
I can't fuckin stand Islam. When will the world stop tolerating these assholes? "Islamist militants" was not an expression I heard growing up.
A) Anyone going to Dubai without paying attention to their strict laws DESERVES to be arrested. Yes, it is stupid shit. But yes, they are very clear about it. His fucking problem, the complete idiot.

B) I never thought I would ever support anything about Islam, ever, but god dammit, this is the fucking Scorpions and Subway. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. ALLAHU AKBAR!

C) Islam = Subway = Scorpions =

D) Bacon is good.

E) Always hated their hits as a kid, but I've never actually heard early Scorpions, which is allegedly cool. Any suggestions where to start?

F) Halal = Kosher = USDA =