New Sevendust Album: Seasons


World's Greatest Vocalist
Aug 10, 2003
What do think it will be?


Just OK?

Or a flop?

The new song "Enemy" is a lover/hater. Love the amazing chorus, but I hate the rap 'thing' Lajon tried with the verses.

Video was retarded, too.

Better than s/t, Home, or Animosity?
anonymousnick2001 said:
-getting peeved-


Quit bumping it. If no one's said anything yet, they're not going to.

If I may be blunt, with all the new releases that have come/are still to come, checking out a Sevendust CD would land dead last on my list of things to do.
I thought Enemy was just ok. Have to hear the rest of the album to make a definate decision. I'm pretty sure it'll be a pretty good disc. I thought the last one was definate improvement though especially in the lyrics.

Just my opinion
anonymousnick2001 said:
Okay, man, that's fine. I'm hoping someone will discuss with me before the album comes out.
Okay, you asked for it. Sevendust. I like the progression of the band so far. I loved the debut disc, but feel that they didn't cut it on the Home disc. They were like everthing out there at the time. I heard their last disc & it was a big improvement. I have heard 2-3 tracks of this new one. They have been getting more melodic & "softer" with each record. Are they nu-metal? Well, they can be bunched up with all the bands that are/have been considered nu-metal, but I'll tell you this is great band that a band like Korn & Limp Bizkit can't hold a candle to. The odds of TVT breaking this band is slim to none. I'm guessing from a business end of things, the band is more or less showcasing themselves for when their deal is up. And why not? When these guys wind up on a label that will push the band on to radio they will be huge...
No offence to you personally anonymousnick2001
but Sevendust blow the big one.
Not offended at all. I disagree with your statement, but I'm in a good mood this morning.

Okay, you asked for it. Sevendust. I like the progression of the band so far. I loved the debut disc, but feel that they didn't cut it on the Home disc. They were like everthing out there at the time. I heard their last disc & it was a big improvement. I have heard 2-3 tracks of this new one. They have been getting more melodic & "softer" with each record. Are they nu-metal? Well, they can be bunched up with all the bands that are/have been considered nu-metal, but I'll tell you this is great band that a band like Korn & Limp Bizkit can't hold a candle to. The odds of TVT breaking this band is slim to none. I'm guessing from a business end of things, the band is more or less showcasing themselves for when their deal is up. And why not? When these guys wind up on a label that will push the band on to radio they will be huge...
Thank you. I feel the exact same way.

s/t rocked, Home was average(almost mainstream 'numetal'-I hate that word), Animosity was great.

They should get huge. They've definitely earned it.

Enemy is weird, though, because I've never heard them try to rap. That chorus is amazing though. Wish In Flames could have some of those instead of...well, System. Yuck!
I personally have never heard a bad chorus by Sevendust...

Praise, Angel's Son, Live Again, Denial, Waffle, Licking Cream, Bitch, Enemy...damn, they're good at choruses! N*Flamz should take a page out of their book. Heh, heh, N*Flamz, that's pretty clever, I gotta meet who came up with that, heh heh...
Yeah, uh, the album came out today, so you people can ignore this list from now on and I won't care.

Thanx to those who had the balls to reply.
So far most songs are OK. I had a better initial opinion of Animosity upon first listen versus this one. I believe on the song Enemy Morgan, the drummer, does the "rap" verses and not Lajon.
That's slightly comforting. I'd thought Lajon'd sold us out.

Is the album any good? Are there any classic moments on this one, like the main riff of Praise, or the chorus to Denial, or the thrash riff in Bitch?