New Shadow Gallery, anyone hear it?


Jul 14, 2006
Debating on picking up the new Shadow Gallery cd, anyone listen to it yet? Opinions?
I downloaded it some days ago. Still deciding to buy it or not. Sounds more heavy than "Room V" vut I hadn't been able to find something to catch me for good. I may need more listenings. But not as bad as I would had suppose previously considering Chris Ingles and Joe Nevolo departure and Mike Baker demise.
But not as bad as I would had suppose previously considering Chris Ingles and Joe Nevolo departure and Mike Baker demise.

Clarification: Joe Nevolo has not departed from the band. He just was very busy for the recordings of this current album so he is only featured on 3 tracks (depending on which release version you get). He is still an official member of the band, according to an interview Gary conducted.

Personally, I've listened to the album 20+ times now and I still keep finding "gems" in each song that I never realized before. It is better than "Room V", in my opinion. It is difficult to listen to the band without Mike's voice, but Brian Ashland does a great job and fits well with the SG sound. They couldn't have found a better replacement singer for that band. The two guests, Clay & Raf also do an amazing job. There won't be the long epic tracks like in previous releases, but the album is fantastic start to finish and I highly recommend it.
Well, honestly I have always been on the fence with this band and have never been a huge fan -- although I did enjoy Tyranny. With that said, I really think the new CD could be one of their best! No offense to Mike, but I actually prefer the new singer (not trying to piss on the man's grave people - just stating my personal preference). And I REALLY like the track with Clay from Suspyre snging on it!

As far as Chris Ingles not playing, sorry I don't miss him one bit. I was just listening yesterday and I am personally blown away that Gary is not only such a strong guitarist, but man that boy can really play the piano!! He is unaturally accomplished on both instruments. And I had heard from someone who is personal friends with Gary about Joe being really busy and that Gary played drums for those tracks. Holy crap! Is there anything he can't do? And to top it off, when I met him back in May, he is a seriously nice guy! No egos with that guy.

For anyone that likes SG, I think they will be happy with this disk. For anyone that just likes prog rock/metal done well, they will also like it. I recommend it, go support Shadow Gallery!