New Shining song available

They were recently on Blabbermouth for a show they did. I guess they got on Swedish news for drinking piss and cutting themselves with razor blades then tossing them into the audience.
They were recently on Blabbermouth for a show they did. I guess they got on Swedish news for drinking piss and cutting themselves with razor blades then tossing them into the audience.
I respect the band members as musicians, but this is pretty fucking stupid.
that one song on myspace isnt filling my craving any longer.

Yeah...what he said!!! I can't wait for this damn thing! I was actually trying to book them last year for a show I did in Sept. It was basically a go but the US put the kibosh on it because of the records of one or two of the members. Supposedly they were told that they'd need to wait another 6 months to clear the waiting period between the offense and entry to the country. Not sure if he was on the level or if it was BS but I am thinking I might try again. :kickass: